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Main page: List of Artifacts.
- 0% discount coupon
- 1-calorie meal
- 1-for-the-price-of-2 voucher
- 100-lb feather
- 12th step
- 19th hole
- 1x magnifying glass
- 2 pcs (2 pcs)
- 24k goldfish
- 25-hour clock
- “2B or not 2B” pencil
- 2D hologram
- 🎉3000-days gold coin🎉
- “4000 days and counting” medal 🎉
- 5-second ruler
- 6-pack of bargain artifacts
- 8-bit coin
- 8-bit mushroom
- 8-bit puzzle
- Abdominal chisel
- Abduct tape
- Abominable snowcone
- Abominable snowflake
- Abracadabacus
- Absinthe spoon
- Absinthesizer
- Absolute power cord
- Absolute vacuum cleaner
- Accidental floss
- Achieve mint
- ACME black hole
- ACME monster trap
- ACME supply crate
- Acoustic chair
- “Act of God” insurance policy
- Activated activatable artifact
- Active ingredient
- Adam's apple
- Adhesive healing strip
- Adhesive lubricant
- Adjective noun generator
- Adjustable reference point
- Adult-proof bottle
- Advice device
- Advice grip
- Aerobics cube
- Aerosol bacon
- AFK suicide note
- Afterlife survival guide
- Aglet
- Air guitar
- Air putrifier
- Alchemical transmuter
- Alchemy textbook
- Alcohol patch
- Alienable right
- "All live" oil
- All-armor cleaning wipes
- All-purpose flower
- All-seeing ear
- All-seeing eyedrops
- All-white chess set
- Alpha mail
- Alphabet soap
- Alternate reality cheque
- Aluminum banner
- "Amazing Anatomy" book
- Ambiance fluxuator
- Ambidextrose
- Amper sand
- Anachronistic clock
- Anaphylactic shock absorber
- Anaphylactic sock
- Anarchist's rulebook
- Ancestral hair loom
- Ancient relic of modern art
- Anecdotal evidence
- Anglo-saxophone
- 🎉Anniversary gold coin🎉
- Anonymous identity card
- Another brick from the wall
- Another man's shoe
- Anti-aliasing cream
- Anti-bacterial software
- Anti-dot
- Anti-glitch cream
- Anti-mattress
- Anti-social network
- Anti-theft lockpick
- Antibacterial soapstone
- Antibody wash
- Antifreeze-pop
- Antihysteriamine
- Antimatter of fact
- Antiskeptic hand wash
- “Any” key
- Apocalypse date generator
- "Apocalypse Herald" newspaper
- Apocalypse insurance
- Apocalypstick
- Apothecary in a bottle
- Apple cipher
- Aqua vitae
- Aqueduct tape
- Arcade token
- Arcane sugar
- Archeological record album
- Archimedes' screwdriver
- Area 51 VIP pass
- Arena ticket
- "Arena's Wackiest Bloopers" movie
- Arenalin
- Argyle sock puppet
- Ark registration form
- Ark safety checklist
- Ark welder
- Arkitecture for dummies
- Armageddon survival manual
- Armoire of invincibility
- Armor cooling system
- Armor-piercing can opener
- Arsonist's cookbook
- Art registration form
- Artifact cleaning solution
- Artifact placeholder
- Artifact Price Guide: 601 g.e. Edition
- “Artifacts & Collectibles” magazine
- Artificial artifact
- Artillery battery
- Arty fact
- Ashes-to-dust converter
- Assault & battery charger
- Assemblage point
- Asset liquidizer
- Astral paper plane
- Astral projector
- "Atheism for Dummies" flyer
- Atheist's guide to heaven
- Athlete's footnote
- Atom balm
- Atomic bon-bon
- Atomic bond
- Atomic weight set
- Atrophy trophy
- Attached string
- "Attempted Try" trophy
- Attention spam
- Attention spanner
- Attention-seeking missile
- Attribute slider
- Audiobook of untold tales
- Aura-scope
- Author's note
- Autocarrot
- Autocorrection fluid
- "Autocorrection four Dummies" guide
- Autographed self-portrait
- "Avoiding Dummies for Dummies" book
- Award-winning award
- Awkward silence generator
- B-side
- Babbling book
- Babel fish
- Baby-free powder
- Back log
- Back pedal
- Background music generator
- Background radiator
- Backhand of fate
- Backseat driver's license
- Backstage pass
- Backstreet buoy
- Backup pan
- Backup plan
- Bacon of hope
- Bacon powder
- Bacterial subculture
- Bad breathalyzer
- Bad fanfiction
- Bad habit remover
- Bad horoscope
- Bad juju
- Bad penny
- Bad sign
- Badge of honorable mention
- Badminton rocket
- Bag of 99 red doubloons
- Bag of air
- Bag of championchips
- Bag of companionchips
- Bag of computer chips
- Bag of conspiracy nuts
- Bag of cut corners
- Bag of dirty thoughts
- Bag of empty promises
- Bag of filthy prawns
- Bag of holy shiitake mushrooms
- Bag of jellyfish sticks
- Bag of knuckle crackers
- Bag of legally-smuggled goods
- Bag of limited holding
- Bag of liquid nails
- Bag of lost marbles
- Bag of lovely bones
- Bag of navigational breadcrumbs
- Bag of nopes
- Bag of otter's noses
- Bag of popped peppercorn
- Bag of rehydrated raisins
- Bag of rejected suggestions
- Bag of scrabble tiles
- Bag of shoulder chips
- Bag of smithereens
- Bag of trophies
- Bag of unicorn flakes
- Baking soda volcano
- Balance tipper
- Bald spot remover
- Ball of fame
- Ballistic mistletoe
- Ballpark figurine
- Ballpoint quill
- Banana bomb
- Banana splitter
- Bananalyzer
- Bank pen
- Bar of code
- Bar of liquid soap
- Bar of spaghetti
- Bar tab
- Bar tab organizer
- Barbed wiretap
- Bargaining tool
- Barrel of bad apples
- Barrel of laughs
- Barrel scraper
- Bartering ram
- Basilisk breeder's manual
- Basket of egg bombs
- Bath bomb defusal kit
- Bathtub ring
- Battery (not included)
- Battery antacid
- Battery-powered battery charger
- Battery-powered paperweight
- Battle-ark boardgame
- Battlechip
- Beacon of hopelessness
- Bead of sweat
- Bean of light
- Bear necessities
- Beardcrumbs
- Beaten bush
- "Beauty and the Beastie" book
- Beauty mark
- Bed of snails
- Beehive of scum and villainy
- Beelzebubble gum
- Beer foam mattress
- Beer-battered beer
- Beer-scented soap
- Beginner's puck
- Behemoth-flavored tea
- Belated birthday cake
- Belated "get well" card
- Bellyjeans
- Bengal light
- Benjamin's button
- Berth certificate
- Bertrand's teapot
- Beryllium sphere
- Best boss award
- Best boss pin
- Best boss statuette
- "Best of Monsters" mixtape
- "Best of the Rest" award
- Beta artifact
- Beta carrot
- "Better Luck Next Time" trophy
- Between-the-lines magnifier
- Bi-polar compass
- Bible belt
- Biblical proportions
- Bicycle of life
- Big picture
- Bigger bang theory
- Bigger fish
- Bill of bragging rights
- Bill of lefts
- Bill of wrongs
- Binary abacus
- Binary array
- Binary bible
- Binary dice
- Binary haiku
- Binary sudoku page
- Binary sudoku puzzle
- Binary-tree seed
- Biodegradable diamond
- Biodegradable time capsule
- Bioenergy amplifier
- Biological clock
- Bit map
- Bit of a pickle
- Bit of bytes
- Bit of inspiration
- Bitcorn
- Bitterscotch candy
- Bittersweetener
- Black and white pen
- Black briefcase
- Black highlighter pen
- Black hole detergent
- Black hole punch
- Black magic marker
- Black mail
- Black market loyalty card
- Black market pamphlet
- Black pepper spray
- Black-and-white rainbow
- Black-and-whiteboard
- Blackbeard's razor
- Blank birth certificate
- Blank dice
- Blank grocery list
- Blank idea slip
- Blank rain check
- Blank spell scroll
- Blank tombstone
- Blank treasure map
- Blanket of snow
- Blanket term
- Blast from the past
- Blazing saddle
- Blind spot
- Block of administratium
- Blood-curdling cream
- Blood-drinking straw
- Blood-flavored lollipop
- Blood-splattered smiley badge
- Bloodbank loan
- Bloodbath salts
- Bloodstained 'free hugs' sign
- Blown cover
- Blown gasket
- Blue collar
- Blue pill of happiness
- Blue streak
- Blue tooth
- Blunting stone
- Board of education
- Bobby prize
- Body language translator
- Bold item
- Bone of contention
- Bone to pick
- Boneless chicken eggs
- Bonus chest
- Bonus track
- Booby prize
- Book dewormer
- Bōõk öf Ãççêñts
- Book of badtime stories
- Book of common knowledge
- Book of Common Preyers
- Book of convincing alibis
- Book of dungeon etiquette
- Book of Dupes
- Book of Dupes (2nd edition)
- Book of e-mail stamps
- Book of everyday miracles
- Book of expired prophecies
- Book of famous last words
- Book of generic pet names
- Book of glitchcraft
- Book of illegal jargon
- Book of lulz
- Book of neverending stories
- Book of old excuses
- Book of pseudoscience fiction
- Book of rejected prayers
- Book of saucery
- Book of single-letter words
- Book of skill
- Book of time stamps
- Book of trendy warcries
- Book of unprintable evil
- Book of unsubstantiated rumors
- Book of unwritten laws
- Book of unwritten rules
- Booklet "The 101 Things To Do If You Ever Became An Evil Overlord"
- Boonbox
- Boring machine
- Borrowed time machine
- Boss key
- Boss monster plushie
- Boss monster's paycheck
- Bosscoin
- Bottle cap collection
- Bottle in a bottle
- Bottle in a miniature ship
- Bottle in a ship
- Bottle labeled "Drink me"
- Bottle labeled "Eat me"
- Bottle of ad hoc solution
- Bottle of awesomesauce
- Bottle of beer from a wall
- Bottle of brainwashing detergent
- Bottle of breathable air
- Bottle of Bumchestershire sauce
- Bottle of canned HP
- Bottle of 'Common Scents' cologne
- Bottle of crocodile tears
- Bottle of dandelion wine
- Bottle of dead air
- Bottle of demonade
- Bottle of depressants
- Bottle of diet water
- Bottle of diluted water
- Bottle of djinn and tonic
- Bottle of domesticated beer
- Bottle of drinking tobacco
- Bottle of e-ink
- Bottle of eau de toilet
- Bottle of fairy-free milk
- Bottle of firewater
- Bottle of greenhouse gases
- Bottle of gusto
- Bottle of holy ale
- Bottle of indigestion pills
- Bottle of liquid courage
- Bottle of liquid cowardice
- Bottle of liquid ice
- Bottle of liquid rainbow
- Bottle of loveless potion
- Bottle of medicinal laughter
- Bottle of mojo
- Bottle of nail vanish
- Bottle of not-so-secret sauce
- Bottle of nuka-cola
- Bottle of powdered water
- Bottle of secret sauce
- Bottle of self-esteem
- Bottle of serial port wine
- Bottle of snake oil
- Bottle of talon varnish
- Bottle of thought cleanser
- Bottle of unidentified flying sauce
- Bottle of unscented perfume
- Bottle of USB port
- Bottle of virgin's tears
- Bottle of Vitameatavegamin
- Bottle of weeping pills
- Bottle of whatever
- Bottle of whine
- Bottle of workahol
- Bottle with a ghost ship
- Bottled nostalgia
- Bottled waterfall
- Bottom dollar
- Bottom line
- Bottom of a barrel
- Bottomless cup
- Bottomless hole
- Bouncing checkbook
- Bouquet of forget-me's
- Bouquet of heroic posies
- Bouquet of remember-me-nots
- Bouquet of tamed wildflowers
- Bouquet of ultraviolets
- Bouquet of whoopsy-daisies
- Bourbon legend
- Bowl of coinflakes
- Bowl of copypasta
- Bowl of decarbonara
- Bowl of instant karma
- Bowl of leeches and cream
- Bowl of petunias
- Bowl of primordial stew
- Box of broken dreams
- Box of death matches
- Box of disposable swords
- Box of exhibitionist matches
- Box of fig neutrons
- Box of fireproof matches
- Box of headless matches
- Box of infinite fruit loops
- Box of laundry deterrent
- Box of mismatches
- Box of past tenses
- Box of rejected ideas
- Box of second-hand matches
- Box of shame
- Box of short fuses
- Box of sins
- Box of smile wipes
- Box of spare time
- Box of web cookies
- Box with a question mark
- Box-shaped heart
- Boxer briefcase
- Boy Scout's badge
- Braille “Do Not Touch!” sign
- Braille magnifying glove
- Brain cell generator
- Brain tweezers
- Brainstorm forecast
- Brainwave
- Branch from an iron tree
- Branch of a family tree
- Brand new bag
- Brand-new piece of junk
- Brazen lyre
- Bread-powered toaster
- Breaking news repair kit
- Breaking point
- Breathtaking inhaler
- Breathtaking mint
- Bribe voucher
- Brick of fool's gold
- Brick of purest green
- Brick polishing kit
- "Bricks Happen" bumper sticker
- Bright future dimmer
- Briquette of dry wine
- Briquette of flame-retardant charcoal
- Broken ego
- Broken heart
- Broken heart monitor
- Broken invite
- Broken metaphor
- Broken news repair kit
- Broken "Out of order" sign
- Broken promise
- Broken rearview mirror
- Broken record
- Broken rule
- Broken rule book
- Broken slinky
- Broken soulcube
- Broken stereotype
- Broken water chip
- Broken will
- Bromantic novel
- Broom with a view
- Broomerang
- Brown note generator
- Brown paper lunch bag
- Brownian potion
- Brownie point
- Brutal smile
- Bubble of magnifying gas
- Bucket of antimatter
- Bucket of bolts
- Bucket of elbow grease
- Bucket of invisible paint
- Bucket of steam
- Bucket of striped paint
- Buckyball
- Buffalo wing
- Bugbear spray
- Bugfixer
- "Build your own unicorn" kit
- Bull's eyeglasses
- Bull's horn
- Bulletproof grass
- Bullseye drops
- Bun of steel
- Bunch of baloney
- Bunch of gripes
- Bunch of hallucinogenic dill
- Bunch of pansies
- Bunch of wilted flowers
- Bundle of DNA-chains
- Bundle of nerves
- Bundle of seven deadly pins
- Bunny-shaped bath soap
- Buoyant anchor
- Burial voucher
- Buried hatchet
- Burn notice
- Burnt calorie
- Burnt ice cube
- Burst bubble
- Busy signal amplifier
- Butt of a joke
- Butter cup
- Buttered finger
- Byte mark
- Bytecode fragment
- Cached check
- Caffeinated holy water
- Call to inaction
- Camouflask
- Can closer
- Can of ambrosia
- Can of asteroid repellent
- Can of black paint
- Can of blinker fluid
- Can of borrowed time
- Can of cootie repellent
- Can of debug spray
- Can of decompressed air
- Can of dehydrated water
- Can of doctored peppers
- Can of forced habits
- Can of frozen antifreeze
- Can of 'greener grass' paint
- Can of harespray
- Can of hug repellent
- Can of lethargy drink
- Can of midnight oil
- Can of monster mash
- Can of pain thinner
- Can of powdered toast
- Can of primordial ooze
- Can of refried jellybeans
- Can of reodorant
- Can of sensible string
- Can of serious string
- Can of soup du jour
- Can of spam
- Can of spinach
- Can of tribble food
- Can of tuna-safe dolphin
- Can of under-armor deodorant
- Can of uneasy cheese
- Can of whoopass
- Canceled life insurance policy
- Candied toothbrush
- Candle burnt at both ends
- Candy corn on the cob
- Candy from a stranger
- Candy gram
- Canned bread
- Canned heat
- Capital reward
- Captain's log
- Captain's pipe
- Carbon credit card
- Carbon footprint
- Carbon-dated soda
- Cardboard coffin
- Cardboard shuriken
- Care spray
- Career growth hormone
- Carnivorous thimble
- Carpal funnel
- Carriage of justice
- Carrot and stick gift set
- Carrot on a stick
- Carton of juicy gossip
- Case closer
- Case of hiccups
- Case of indigestion
- Case of the feels
- Case of the Mondays
- Cat in the bag
- Cat scanner
- Cat-flavored mouse food
- Cat's 9 lives coupon
- Cat's tenth life
- Cataclysmic converter
- Catalog of heroic poses
- Catalog of minor indiscretions
- Catalogue of monologues
- Catch-22
- Catch-up bottle
- Catchy line
- Cattle driver's license
- Caughtphrase
- Cautionary tail
- Cavity search warrant
- Cease-fire extinguisher
- Celestial bodywash
- Center of a donut
- Center of gravity
- Cerberus' flea collar
- Certificate of appreciation
- Certificate of eccentricity
- Certificate of heroism
- Certificate of incompletion
- Certificate of moderate sanity
- Chain letter opener
- Chain mail knitting pattern
- Chain of command
- Chain of events
- Chain reactor
- Chained crate
- Chainmail towel
- Chakra realigner
- Champignon
- Championchips
- Change of heart
- Change of plan
- Chaos engine
- Character creation kit
- Character flaw
- Character hardener
- Character-building block
- Chariot license
- Chastity belt spanner
- Cheap shot glass
- Cheat codex
- Check-mark box
- “Cheerful Hobbit” hair removal wax
- Cheery tomato
- Cheese moon
- Cheese wheel
- Cheesy pick-up line generator
- Cherry bomb pie
- Cherry Pi
- Chest hair curler
- Chest of silent applause
- Chick magnet
- Chicken magnet
- Chicken noodle soap
- Chicken noodle soup
- Chicken scratch
- 🦃Chicken salad
- Chicken's finger
- Childhood dream
- Chill pill
- Chimney sock
- Chip off the old block
- Chipped golden brick
- Chipped truth
- Chiseled feature
- Chloroform-scented candle
- Chocolate bar graph
- Chocolate bunny ear
- Chocolate dust bunny
- Chocolate microchip
- Chocolate rebar
- Chopping list
- Chordless guitar
- Christmas card
- Christmas cracker
- Christmas miracle
- Chrono trigger
- Chunk of concrete evidence
- Circadian clock
- Circadian rhythm guitar
- Circle of life
- Circular reference
- Circular void generator
- Circumstantial evidence
- Civil suitcase
- Class-action figure
- Classified document
- Clean pill of health
- Clean slate
- Clean whistle
- Clear-colored crayon
- Clever pun
- Cliché filter
- Cliff's hanger
- Clique bait
- Clockwork orange
- Close call
- Closed caption opener
- Closed loophole
- Closed mind
- Cloud chamber
- Cloud nine
- Cloud sewing kit
- Clown jewel
- Clutch of unscrambled eggs
- Cocktail umbrella
- Code of misconduct
- Code snippet
- Coffin brochure
- Coffin nail
- Coil of lathered rope
- Coil of platinum barbed wire
- Coined word
- Cold hard cashew
- Cold plate of revenge
- Cold shoulder
- Cold-air balloon
- Collapsible hole
- Collateral damage calculator
- Collection of Imperial March remixes
- Collection of multi-colored photons
- Collection of thoughts
- Collide-o-scope
- Colombian bow tie
- Colorful phrase
- Colorless kaleidoscope
- Columnist manifesto
- Comb-over
- Comfort zone map
- Comic timer
- Common cold compress
- Common essence
- Community chest
- Community property
- Compact discus
- Compact lenses
- Companion cube
- Compass without a needle
- Compelling backstory
- Compliment bait
- Complimentary death certificate
- Complimentary downgrade coupon
- Compost-it note
- Compound fracture
- Compulsive lyre
- Computer bug repellent
- Concentrated spirituality
- Concrete piñata
- Cone of silence
- Confidence booster seat
- Confidence-building block
- Confidentiality agreement
- Confidentiality disagreement
- Confusion core
- Conscience inhibitor
- Conscientious object
- Consolation pie
- Consolation prize
- Conspiracy theory
- Conspiracy walnut
- Constant number generator
- Constant variable
- Constellation prize
- Constructive witticism
- Contractual disagreement
- Contingency plan
- Continuum transfunctioner
- Contrabandage
- Contract lens
- Contradictionary
- Conundrum set
- Conversation piece
- Conversation starter
- Cookie jar
- Cool side of the pillow
- Cooties vaccine
- Copy of HeroWorld magazine
- Copy of the "what the" FAQ
- Cordless extension cord
- Cordless xylophone
- Corkscrew in a bottle
- Corn on the cobwebs
- Corner cutter
- Corner of the globe
- Corporate stepladder
- Corpse flower bouquet
- Cosmo knot
- Cottonmouth candy
- Couch potato peeler
- Could-have bean
- Counter pint
- Counterclockwise clock
- Counterfeit Godville invite
- Counterfeit love
- Couple of midichlorians
- Coupon de grace
- Coupon for %v% ©
- Coupon for a free coupon
- Courage requisition form
- Covalent bond
- Coy fish
- Cracked magic mirror
- Cracked whip
- Crackerjack prize
- Cradle of civilization
- "Crash Testing for Dummies" book
- Crayon of an unknown color
- Crazy train ticket
- Cream of the crop
- Creative account
- Creative juicer
- Creative license
- Creature comforter
- Credible treat
- Crème fatale
- Crescent moon rock
- Criminal smoothie
- Cringe-o-meter
- Critical moss
- Critical patch
- Crooked arrow
- “Crop circle pattern” book
- Cross-contaminant
- Cross-sword puzzle
- Crow's feet
- Crow's nest egg
- Crown jewel case
- Crumb of wisdom
- Crushed spirit
- Cryogenically preserved phoenix
- Cryptic metaphor
- Cryptic prophecy
- Cryptograham crackers
- Cryptographic novel
- Crystal ball bearing
- Cubic ball
- Cubist cigar
- Cult leaderboard
- Cultural shock absorber
- Cultural touchstone
- Culture shock absorber
- Cup of instant gratification
- Cup of javascript
- Cup of kindness
- Cup of rage
- Curious thing
- Current tissue
- Cursed scroll of blessings
- Cursive script decoder
- Customer base
- Customer disloyalty card
- Cut-and-pastry
- Cute angle
- Cutthroat lozenge
- Cyclops' eye drop
- Cyclops' eyepatch
- Cyclops' monocle
- Cyclops' spectacles
- D.I.Y. lobotomy kit
- D.I.Y. monster kit
- Daily special
- Dalmation figurine (101 pcs)
- Damaged pride repair kit
- Damn good coffee
- Dark energy bar
- Dark matter of fact
- Dark side's cookie
- Dark thoughts illuminator
- Darwin award
- Dash of hope
- Data griddle
- Data plan
- Data rope
- Data-scrubbing brush
- Dating agency questionnaire
- Davy Jones' locker
- “Day 4000 g.e.” flyer 🎉
- Daydream catcher
- Daylight saver
- Daylight savings reward card
- Daylight torch
- De-carbonated soda
- Deactivated charcoal
- Deactivated frankincense monster
- Dead beat
- Dead brain cell
- Dead brain slug
- Dead door nail
- Dead garden gnome
- Dead giveaway
- Dead man's chest
- Dead parrot
- Dead pet rock
- Dead pixel
- Dead weight
- Deadline extender
- Deal breaker
- Deal sealant
- Death box
- Death note
- Death support machine
- Death's chess set
- Deathalyzer kit
- Debt ceiling fan
- Debt to society
- Decaf coffee table
- Decaffeinated water
- "Decease & Desist" order
- Decibell
- Decimal place holder
- Deck of 52 praying cards
- Deck of blood donor cards
- Deck of carbs
- Declaration of dependence
- Declaration of impudence
- Declaration of romantic intent
- Deconstructive feedback
- Decoration of independence
- Decryption keychain
- Deductive seasoning
- Deep fried salad
- Deep space heater
- Definite article
- Definite dupe
- Defoliating scrub
- Defrag mint
- Defragmentation grenade
- Degenerator
- Degree of freedom
- Degree of separation
- Dehydrating lotion
- Dehydrating moisturizer
- Deja brew
- Déjà voodoo doll
- Déjà vuvuzela
- Deleted footage
- Deleted history book
- Deleted uranium
- Delight bulb
- Demagnetized moral compass
- Demotivational poster
- Depleted geranium
- Deploy-on-impact parachute
- Desanitizing lotion
- Desert rose
- Deserved parking spot
- Despair tire
- Destruction manual
- Deus ex machina
- Deus fax machina
- Developmental tissue
- Deviant tarts
- Devil's avocado
- Devil's handbasket
- Dewaffling iron
- Diamond in the rough
- Diamond in the rough draft
- Diary entry generator
- Diary of a feral hero
- Diary of a madman
- Diary of an abandoned hero
- Diary page 404
- Dictionary of typos
- Dictionary of unspoken words
- Diddly squat
- Diet coal
- Diet salt
- Different angle
- Diffraction grating
- Dig-your-own-tomb kit
- Digital abacus
- Digital hourglass
- Digital surfboard
- Dignity locator
- Dihydrogen monoxide potion
- Dimensional destabilizer
- Diploma of diplomacy
- Director's cutlery
- Dirty deed
- Dirty little secret
- Disaccordian
- Disappointment ointment
- Disarmchair
- Disassembling kit
- Disasterpiece
- Disbelief suspenders
- Discharged doomsday device
- Discharged lightning bolt
- Discharged wand of wishing
- Disciplinary action figure
- Disclosed secret
- Discolouring book
- Disconnect-the-dots book
- Discredited card
- Disembalming fluid
- Disembodied voice box
- Disengagement ring
- Dish of well-done sashimi
- Dish of well-done sushi
- Disharmonica
- Dishonorary degree
- Dislike button
- Dismembership card
- Dispatchula
- Disposable recycling bin
- Disposable soul patch
- Disposable thumb
- Disposable tombstone
- Dissociate's degree
- Distaste test
- Distended warranty
- Disturbing thought
- Divine spark
- Divine whetstone
- Divinity collage
- DIY resurrection kit
- "Do Disturb" sign
- "Do Not Feed the Tribbles" sign
- "Do not remove" sticker
- Doc-in-a-box
- Dodged ball
- Dolphin towel
- "Don't be a noob" guide
- “Don't Contact Us” form
- Don't-do-it-yourself guide
- Donation box
- Donut hole puncher
- Donut holster
- Doom scroll
- Doom-it-yourself manual
- Doormat
- Dose of reality
- Dot net
- Dotcom bubble
- Double cross
- Double dip
- Double elexir
- Double eyepatch
- Double healix
- Double helix corkscrew
- Double take
- Double-barreled shot glass
- Double-edged spork
- Double-ended candle
- Downward spiral
- Dragon drop
- Dragon Dungeon map
- Dragon egg incubator
- Dragon wheel
- Dragon's breathalyzer
- Dragonbreath mint
- Dragonfly scale
- Dramatic entrance fee receipt
- Dramatic exit strategy
- Dramatic flare
- Drawing of a conclusion
- Dreadmill
- Dream machine
- Dream sweetener
- Dream tosser
- Dried-out marker
- Drift catcher
- “Drink. Pray. Fight.” sticker
- Drinking horn
- DRM-protected diary
- Drop-down menu
- Drop of uncertainty
- Dropped hint
- Drug test cheat sheet
- Dry icicle
- “Dry Paint” sign
- Dry-erase quill
- Dual core apple
- Dual screen stone tablet
- Dub-stepladder
- Dub-stepping stone
- Duct tape recorder
- Dug chest
- Dumb luck
- Dumbrella
- Dummies' guide to guides
- “Dummy's Guide to Dummies” guide
- Dungeon air freshener
- Dungeon brew
- Dungeon driver's license
- Dungeon floor plan
- Dungeon key
- Dungeon travel brochure
- Dupe detector
- "Dupe!" stamp
- Duplicated copy
- Dust collector
- Dust trail
- Dwarf star
- Dye of boredom
- Dyslexic lexicon
- E-bookcase
- Ear of the %monster%
- Ear wig
- Earth wind and fire alarm
- Earthly newspaper
- Earwax candle
- Easter cake 🥧
- Easter egg
- Easter egg detector
- Easter eggplant
- Easy button
- Eau de napalm
- Ebonite rod
- Eclectic guitar
- Eco-friendly rock
- Edge of a sphere
- Edge of reason
- Edible pie chart
- Eerie silence generator
- Ego alternator
- Ego repair kit
- Ego trip planner
- Ego-friendly product
- Egolocator
- Elastic wishbone
- Elbow room generator
- Elder's scroll
- Elderberry scroll
- Electric compass
- Electric currants
- Electric hypewriter
- Electric sundial
- Electromagnetic oil
- Electron horoscope
- Elegant solution
- Elemeno pea
- Element of surprise
- Elephant's memory stick
- Eleventh diary entry
- Elf-defense book
- Eligible bachelor's degree
- Elixir of hydration
- Elven ear sharpener
- Email envelope
- “Embalming for Mummies” book
- Embarrassing baby picture
- Embarrassing sound effect
- Emergency bacon
- Emergency donut
- Emergency entrance sign
- Emergency exit
- Emergency flirtation device
- Emoji hieroglyph
- Emoji translator
- Emotional destabilizer
- Emotional randomizer
- Emotional rollercoaster ticket
- Emotional shock absorber
- Emotional support
- Empirical ruler
- Empty bag of promises
- Empty box of GECK
- Empty can of whoop-ass
- Empty cookie jar
- Empty flask of immortality
- Empty genie lamp
- Empty inventory slot
- Empty pocket
- Empty save slot
- Empty soulstone
- Empty treasure chest
- Emulator of a simulator
- Encrypted file
- Encryption keychain
- Encyclopedia Godvillia
- Encyclopedia Heroica
- Encyclopedia Monsterica
- End of a Möbius strip
- End of a rope
- End of the line
- Endangered monsters list
- Energy-saving candle
- Enigma machine
- Enlightening bolt
- Ennui potion
- Enthusiasm curber
- Entropy inverter
- Epileptic tree's seed
- Epitaph customizer
- Erasable tombstone
- Ergonomic torture device
- Escapade pod
- Escape key
- Escape route
- Essence of awesomeness
- Essence of health
- Essence of nonsense
- Essence of nothing
- Essence of wealth
- Eternal hope spring
- Ethyl juice soda
- Evening-before pill
- Event horizon invitation
- Everlasting goblinstopper
- Everlasting gobstopper
- "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About <CENSORED>" brochure
- Eviction notice
- Evidence plant
- Evil eye candy
- Evil laugh track
- Evil plan incubator
- Evil rights amendment
- Evolutionary scale
- Evolving door
- Exact approximator
- Excalibur's stone
- Excitement container
- Exclamation pint
- Executable file
- Executive mushroom
- Exhibit B
- Exhibitionist matches
- Existential bread
- Existential pane
- Exorcise ball
- Exorcise machine
- Exotic handbag
- Exotic seashell
- Expansive artifact
- Expected twist
- Expelbook
- Expensive freebie
- Expired artifact
- Expired gift certificate
- Expired invincibility potion
- Expired marriage license
- Expired time-travel potion
- Expletive bleeper
- Explosive firework
- Extendable antenna
- Extinction cord
- Extinction event planner
- Extra chromosome
- Extra life
- Extra turn
- Eye candy
- Eye of potato
- Eye of the %monster%
- Eye of the beholder
- Eye of the storm
- Eye opener
- Eye pod
- Eyebrowser
- Fabergé egg timer
- Fabergé omelette
- Fabric hardener
- Fabric of time
- Fabricated fabric
- Face balm
- Face palm oil
- "Facts About Fiction" pamphlet
- "Facts of Life" popup book
- Fail safe
- Fairy ale
- Fairy's tail
- Fake guild badge
- Fake sunburn kit
- Faked potato
- Fallen hero's last will
- Fallen star
- False alarm clock
- False cod
- False god particle
- False hope
- False sense of security
- False testimony
- Falsetto alarm
- Family jewel
- Family tree branch
- Family tree seed
- Family tree trimmer
- Family values
- Fan Mail
- Fanboy repellent
- Fangirl repellent
- Fantastic flour
- Fantasy archetype
- Fashion statement
- Fatal exception
- Faustian bargain bin
- Faux paw
- Feather-bound journal
- Feather weight
- Fedora of the explorer
- Fee radical
- Female-to-male phrasebook
- Ferrous wheel
- Fez dispenser
- Fibonacci sequencer
- Fibonacci sequins
- Fiddler's elbow
- Fiddlestick
- Fiddlesticks
- Fifth element
- Fight club rulebook
- Fight data recorder
- Fight-or-flight simulator
- Figment of procrastination
- Figment of the imagination
- Figure "5" in gold
- Figure of speech
- Filet o' satellite fish
- Filet-o-flesh
- Fill-in-the-blanket
- Fillet of the %monster%
- Filthy lyre
- Filthy trap
- Final aid kit
- Final countdown clock
- Final written warning
- Finder's fee
- Fine-tuning fork
- Fine kettle of fish
- Fine printer
- Fingerprint magnet
- Finished connect-the-dots book
- Finite loop
- Fire and brimstone gift set
- Fire in the hole
- Fire on the stick
- Firefox tail
- Fireproof bush
- Firewall brick
- Fireworks set
- First piece of the puzzle
- First-in-line ticket
- First-raid kit
- Fish in a barrel
- Fish-call
- Fission chip
- Fission chips
- Fist bumper sticker
- Five-finger discount card
- Five-second rulebook
- Fix-a-dent
- Fixer elixir
- Flambouyancy aid
- Flame-retardant charcoal
- Flammable fire extinguisher
- Flash mop
- Flash-flood drive
- Flask of automa-tonic
- Flask of dandelion wine
- Flask of distilled moonlight
- Flask of dragon's tears
- Flask of liquid vacuum
- Flask of living water
- Flask of witch's brewski
- Flat globe of Godville
- Flattering picture
- Flavor reducer
- Flawed coping mechanism
- Flea magnet
- Flexible option
- Flight data recorder
- Flimsy excuse
- Flip side
- Fluffy wambler
- Flute of the loom
- Flux incapacitor
- Flying carpet cleaner
- Flying fish feather
- Flying pig feather
- Flying toaster
- Foam rubber barbell
- Foe pass
- Fog of war machine
- Folder N666
- Food coloring book
- Food colouring pencil
- Food pyramid
- Fool's goldfish
- Foolproof pan
- Foot solder
- Forbidden fruit
- Forbidden scroll of moderate blasphemy
- Forged heat signature
- Forged signature
- Forget-me-knot
- Forget-me-now flower
- Forgetful foam mattress
- Forgotten memory
- Fork in the road
- Fortune-teller's kit
- Fossil record player
- Fossilized thesaurus
- Fountain plug
- Four leaf notebook
- Fracture of a second
- Fragrance grenade
- Fragrant accusation
- Frame of mind
- Frame of reference
- Framed cave painting
- Frank incense
- Fraternity test
- Frayed knot
- "Free beer" ticket
- Free cheese
- Free fall accelerator
- 'Free hug' coupon
- Free lunch
- Free sample
- "Free Shrugs" sign
- Free-of-charge battery
- Free-range ant farm
- Free-range vegetable
- Freeze flame
- Frequent-fleeing club card
- Fresh lemonaid
- Freudian slip
- Friar alarm
- Fried chicanery
- Friend-zoning permit
- Friendly fire
- Friends filter
- Frogspawn point
- “From Valhalla, with love” postcard
- Frontstage pass
- Frosted snowflake
- Frozen can of antifreeze
- Frozen fireball
- Frugalhorn
- Fruit loop
- Fruit of ignorance
- Fruit of knowledge
- Fruit of labor
- Full-color blueprint
- Full-size scale model
- Fully automatic manual
- Fun-sized health potion
- Funeral home loyalty card
- Funky beet
- Funny bone
- Fur of the %monster%
- Futile resistor
- Futon torpedo
- Future antique
- Fuzzy dice
- Fuzzy logic
- Gagging order
- Galactic acid
- Galaxy in a jar
- Game stopper
- Gangster's pair of dice
- Gap-toothed comb
- Gas leek
- Gaslit candle
- Gastronomical unit
- Gear of war
- Geiger discounter
- General motor
- Generic goodness in a bottle
- Generic holiday card
- Generic loot
- Generic object
- Genetic lottery ticket
- Genetic make-up remover
- Genetic marker
- Genome map
- "Gentleman's Guide to Profanity" booklet
- Gently weeping guitar
- Genuine imitation
- Get well later card
- Get-into-jail-free card
- Get-out-of-jail-free card
- Get-worse card
- Ghost pepper
- Ghostcard
- Giant miniature
- Gibberish translator
- Gif card
- Gift horse mouthwash
- Gift of fate
- Giggler counter
- Gilded fleece
- Gilt complex
- Gist of it
- Glass eye
- Glass hammer
- Glass jaw
- Glass of troubled water
- Glimmer of hope
- Globe of Discworld
- Glow-in-the-dark matter
- Glowing pumpkin
- Gluten tag
- Gnome-made cookies
- Gnome's genome
- Gnomish beard growth amplifier
- “Go Away” doormat
- Go-with-the-flow chart
- Goat hanger
- Goblet of ire
- Gobstarter
- God tags
- “God-Hero” dictionary
- “GodlyFans” subscription
- “Godopoly” boardgame
- Godpowder
- Godville Admin bobblehead
- Godville days counter (4000 pcs) 🎉
- 'Godville' embroidered towel
- “Godville for atheists” travel guide
- "Godville or Bust!" sticker
- Godville particle
- Godville Times (anniversary edition) 🎉
- "Godville Times" newspaper
- Godville's 10 Commandments scroll
- Godvoice jammer
- Gold brick mold
- Gold coin counter
- Gold farmer's almanac
- Gold fish
- Gold-plated fish
- Golden brick
- Golden cinder block
- Golden egg timer
- Golden eye
- Golden facepalm
- Golden fiddle
- Golden LEGO brick
- Golden parachute
- Golden pumpkin pie
- Golden snitch
- Golden ticket
- Golden trowel
- Golden whistle
- Good buoy
- Good excuse
- Good intentions paver
- Good point
- Good-for-nothing thing
- Goodies chest
- Goose bumps
- Goose egg
- Gopher wood brick
- Gordian knot
- Grain of ampersand
- Grain of salt
- Granddaughter clock
- Grandma's pie
- Grandmother board
- Grape of mild irritation
- Grape of wrath
- Graphics engine
- Graphite dispenser
- Grassroots champagne
- Gravity-defying apple
- Gravy boat
- Grayscale color wheel
- Greased lightning
- Greasy smile
- Green fairy in a bottle
- Green noise generator
- Green thumb
- Gregorian colander
- Grenade pin
- Grenadine launcher
- Griddle of the Sphinx
- Gridkey
- Griefcase
- Grip on reality
- Grounded broomstick
- Grounds for complaint
- Grown-up safety lock
- Grudge holster
- Guacamolecule
- Guess list
- Guesstimated data
- Guide to evil laughs
- Guide to Godville's nightlife
- "Guide to Obscure References" book
- Guide to solo hide-and-seek
- Guide to the galaxy
- Guild graduation group photo
- Guild recruitment pamphlet
- Guilt trip ticket
- Guilty conscience
- Guitar shredder
- Gullibility antidote
- Gulp of freedom
- Gum with a shoe on it
- Gummi bear trap
- Gummi bearskin rug
- Gummie bear claw
- Gummy monsters
- Gumpowder
- Gutter ball
- Gyroscoop
- Habitual lyre
- Hackneyed trope
- Haiku point
- Hair loss spray
- Hair of the dog
- Hair trigger
- Hairball
- Half a clue
- Half a pair of pants
- Half a shebang
- Half an hourglass
- Half an ounce of compassion
- Half empty bottle of optimism
- Half of a hole
- Half of a whole
- Half of an unbreakable vow
- Half planck
- Half-baked idea
- Half-eaten apple
- Half-eaten homework
- Half-eaten magical bean
- Half-eaten poisoned apple
- Half-full glass
- Half-life insurance
- Hall pass
- Hallowed coffee grounds
- Hammer of realignment
- Hammer time machine
- Hamster prayer wheel
- Hand in a cookie jar
- Hand insanitizer
- Hand satanizer
- Handbook of bad ideas
- Handbook of double standards
- Handful of identical snowflakes
- Handful of nuts
- Handful of small change
- Handle on things
- Hangover cure pill
- Happily ever aftershave
- Happy death-day card
- Happy little tree
- Hard rocking chair
- Hard truth
- Hard-boiled eggnog
- Hardware softener
- Hare remover
- Harpy meal
- Harsh pill to swallow
- Harshmellow
- Hatemail
- Haunted doll house
- Haymaker
- Haz mat
- Hazardous minerals map
- Head on a swivel
- Head scratcher
- Headless matches
- Headphones of entanglement
- Healixir
- Health bar
- Heart of gold
- Heart of the matter
- Heart of the %monster%
- Heart string
- Heart warmer
- Heartifact
- Heat-resistant snowball
- Heaven's sake
- Heavy burden
- Heavy-metal detector
- Hedge fund trimmer
- Hefty argument
- Heisenburger
- Hell pass
- Hell raisin
- Hell's bell
- Hellfire extinguisher
- Helluva thing
- Helping hand
- Heptahedral nut
- "Hero of the Day" award
- Hero service survey
- Hero-be-gone spray
- Hero's Guide to Edible Monsters
- "Heroes of Godville" calendar
- "Heroes Wanted!" flyer
- Herolympic torch
- HeroWorld magazine
- Herring aid
- Hex tape
- Hexbox
- Hexcavator
- Hexed key
- Hidden agenda
- Hidden content
- Hidden depths gauge
- Hidden folder
- Hidden gem
- Hidden potentiometer
- Hide of a wanted monster
- High-definition dictionary
- High-definition pixel
- High-profile case
- High-hanging fruit
- High-heeled horseshoe
- Highlight reel
- Hippocratic oats
- History eraser
- History repeater
- Hitchhiker's guide to insanity
- Hive of activity
- Hobgoblet
- Hog wash
- Hog's wart
- Holey pail
- Holey water bottle
- Holodeck of cards
- Holograham cracker
- Hologram of a temple
- Holy cowbell
- Holy crepe
- Holy grill
- Holy gruel
- Holy powercell
- Holy smoke generator
- Holy water bill
- Holy water with extra calcium
- Homicide note
- Homing bacon
- Honey pot
- Honey trap
- Hoof of the %monster%
- Hopeless case
- Hopscotch tape
- Horn of just enough
- Horn of the %monster%
- Horrorscope
- Horse armor pack
- Horse-drawn cartoon
- Horsefeather
- Horseshoe from a spherical horse
- Hostile makeover kit
- Hot gossip
- Hot pocket
- Hot seat
- Hot spot
- Hourglass figure
- House of cards
- 'How to be a Monster' guide
- “How to Breed a Hero” manual
- “How to Drain Your Flagon” manual
- 'How to Serve Heroes' cookbook
- “How to Taunt Monsters” handbook
- Hubble Kaleidoscope
- Huckleberry gin
- Hug simulator
- Huggable cactus
- Hum drum
- 'Human Gnome Project' folder
- Human pyramid scheme
- Humane resource
- Humor analysis machine
- Hunchbox
- Hungry tribble
- Hurricane in a bottle
- Hydraulic pumpkin
- Hyper-ventilation shaft
- Hyperallergenic pillow
- Hyperventi latte
- Hypocritical mass
- Hypothetical loot
- "I am Hero's Name Here" badge
- “I have a T-shirt” T-shirt
- ‘I Love Godville’ T-shirt
- “I Love Godville” T-shirt
- "I survived the Rapture" T-shirt
- I.O.U. note
- “I've been framed” photo frame
- Iambic thermometer
- Ice cream sculpture
- Ice pack
- Ice sculpture of a cube
- Icebreaker
- Iceburger
- Iced tea cozy
- ID-10T form
- Idea polisher
- Ideabox rejection letter
- Ideabox survival guide
- Idolized salt
- Igpay Atinlay ictionaryday
- Ill-spent youth potion
- Ill-tempered glass
- Illegal notepad
- Illegal-sized paper
- Illegally binding document
- Illogic puzzle
- Illogical explanation
- Illustrated philosophy textbook
- Imaginary estate license
- Imaginary friend
- Imaginary letter
- Imaginary threat
- Imbalance sheet
- Immobile phone
- Immoral compass
- Immunity booster rocket
- Imperfect attendance award
- Imperial merch
- Implosive detonator
- Imported bookmark
- Imposing figurine
- "Impress Your Deity 101" book
- Improbability chart
- Improbability drive
- Impulse purchase
- “In Godville We Trust” coin
- In-fight movie
- In-game currency
- In-your-face cream
- Inaction figurine
- Inactivity tracker
- Inanimate carbon rod
- Inconceivable notion
- Inconvenient tooth
- Incremental change
- Incriminating evidence
- Indifference engine
- Indigestion pills
- Indirect order
- Indra's net
- Inductive seasoning
- Industry standard
- Inexperience point
- Inferiority complex
- Infernal clock
- Infinite capacity bag (full)
- Infinite loop
- Inflatable anchor
- Inflatable dartboard
- Inflatable decoy hero
- Inflatable dragon
- Inflatable drinking companion
- Inflatable ego
- Inflatable minion
- Inflatable paperweight
- Inflatable voodoo doll
- Inflated self-image
- Infodumpling
- Infrared pen
- Ink-proof paper
- Inner beauty cream
- Inner child safety seat
- Inner dialogue box
- Inner lightbulb
- Inner shelf
- Inner voice amplifier
- Inquisitor's starter kit
- Insani tea
- Insecurity camera
- Insensitive toothpaste
- Inside joke
- Inside-out disco ball
- Insider tip
- Inspector's gadget
- Inspi-ration
- Instant beer tablet
- Instant slow-cooked stew
- Insufficient data
- Insufficient fund
- Intangible item
- Intercontinental breakfast
- Intergalactic postage stamp
- Interstellar duster
- Interstellar postage stamp
- Intravenous flytrap
- Intrinsic value meal
- Invalid answer sheet
- Invalid password generator
- Inventory list
- Inventory stuffing
- Invisible artifact
- Invisible bottle of ink
- Invisible ink eraser
- Invisible warning sign
- Invite to dungeon
- Invite to Godville
- Iodine solution
- IP address book
- IQ degenerator
- IQ point
- IQ-tip
- Iridium flare
- Irony detector
- Irredeemable coupon
- Irrelevant quest item
- Irresistible charm
- Irreversible palindrome
- Item randomizer
- Ivory coaster
- Jail bait
- Jam-packed sandwich
- Jammed panic-button
- Jar of aging cream
- Jar of cloud residue
- Jar of common cents
- Jar of condensed steam
- 🦃Jar of cranberry sauce
- Jar of greased lightning
- Jar of hard feelings
- Jar of hope
- Jar of ignoble gas
- Jar of jumping jellybeans
- Jar of leeches
- Jar of mojo
- Jar of perfectoplasm
- Jar of pickled pixies
- Jar of pre-counted beans
- Jar of reputation tarnish
- Jar of right-wing nuts
- Jar of self-respect
- Jar of sonic boom
- Jar of space jam
- Jar of third party cookies
- Jar of traffic jam
- Jar of uncultured yogurt
- Jar of wildlife preserves
- Jar of window dressing
- Jar with free bees
- Java scripture
- Jaw droppings
- Jaw of defeat
- Je ne sais quoi
- Jelly beanstalk
- Jellyfish skull
- Judgement Day calendar
- Jug o' naught
- Jug of drinking tobacco
- Jug of unidentified flying sauce
- Jumping jellybeans
- Jungle bell
- Junk box
- Jurassic parking meter
- Just-in-timer
- Ka-boombox
- Kamikaze survival guide
- Kangaroo's pouch
- Karate chopstick
- Karma insurance
- Karma maintenance handbook
- Karma suture
- Kernel of corny wisdom
- Kernel of truth
- Key to happiness
- Key to room 101
- Key to success
- Key to the executive washroom
- Key to understanding
- Keys to the caps lock
- "Kick me" post-it note
- Kick-dented bucket
- Kill switch
- Kilogram of feathers
- Kinetic energy bar
- King's bounty
- King's ransomware
- Kissing booth coupon
- Kitchen sink
- Kitchen synchrotron
- Klein bottle
- Kleptonite
- Knife blunter
- Knit-picking kit
- Kooky jar
- Kraken leash
- Lack of achievement award
- Lag spike
- Lair spray
- Lamp of illumination
- Landmarker
- Larva lamp
- Laser bean
- Last drop of humanity
- Last gnome address
- Last laugh record
- "Last meal" voucher
- Last of the mojitos
- Last place trophy
- Last Resort postcard
- Last slice of pizza
- Last straw
- Last ten digits of pi
- Last year's calendar
- Late-warning system
- Laughing chicken stock
- Laughing matter
- Laughing stock
- Laughing stock cube
- Laughing stock option
- Lava lampshade
- Lead balloon
- Lead paint chips
- Leaf from a money tree
- Leaf of faith
- Leaky cauldron
- Leaky flange
- Leaky pipe dream
- “Learn LISP in 24 Centuries” book
- Learner's permit
- Learning curve
- Least wanted poster
- Leather-bound vegan cookbook
- Left-handed guitar pick
- Left-handed pencil
- Left-handed screw
- Left-handed screwdriver
- Leftover leftovers
- Legal mumbo-jumbo
- Legal nonsense
- Legal tenderloin
- Legally binding rope
- Legally blinding contract
- Legally-smuggled goods
- Lemmings' guide to cliff diving
- Lemon cello
- Lemon limestone
- Lemon-scented weapon wipe
- Less-than-stellar star chart
- Lesser of two goods
- Letter of recondemnation
- Letter to Santa Claus
- Liability report
- License to chill
- License to drill
- License to kill
- License to maim
- License to own a license
- Life bulb
- Life in a nutshell
- Lifegourd
- Light-activated shadow
- Lightning bolt cutter
- Lightning-emitting diode
- Lightweight anvil
- Likely story
- Lime of communication
- Limited lifetime warranty
- Limited thyme offer
- Link of the food chain
- Link to the past
- Lion's share of meat
- Liquid crystal ball
- Liquified crystal
- List of 7 Unspeakable Words
- List of afterlife goals
- List of buckets
- List of endangered monster species
- List of excuses
- List of grievances
- List of haggling tips
- List of inventories
- List of must-have artifacts
- List of obligatory references
- List of stupid ideas
- List of symptoms
- List of true lies
- List of unproven facts
- "Literacy for Dummies" book
- Litterbug repellent
- "Little Alchemist" starter kit
- "Little Hero" night-light
- Little white lye
- Liver replacement coupon
- Llama lamp
- Load of codswallop
- Loading bar
- Loadstone
- Loaf of liquid bread
- Lock-shaped key
- Log of rhythm
- Log-a-rhythm
- Logarithmic abacus
- Logic chain
- Logic gate
- Logic warper
- Loitering permit
- Long idea shortener
- Loop hole
- Loophole punch
- Loose cannon
- Loose end
- Loose screw
- Loose tongue
- Lootbox
- Lorem Ipsum dictionary
- Loser pointer
- Losing raffle ticket
- Lost marble cake
- Lost scroll of finding
- Lost sole
- Lost will and testament
- Love handle
- Love nest
- Love potion #8
- Love triangle
- Love triangulator
- Love-hate letter
- Lovely bunch of coconuts
- Low blood alcohol alarm
- Low profile
- Low-fat lard
- Low-fat poison
- Low-hanging loot
- Low-key card
- Luck toughener
- Lucky jackalope's foot
- Lucky paw of the %monster%
- Lucky penny
- Lucky seahorse shoe
- Lucky snake's foot
- Lucky starfish
- Lump of poetic wax
- Lump of protoplasm
- Lunacy calendar
- Lunar cell
- Lunar powered sundial
- Lunar wax
- Lunar-powered battery
- Lunch money
- Lunchbox of Notre Dame
- Lute bag
- Lye detector
- Machine gum
- Machine that goes “ping”
- Macrophone
- "Made in Godville" label
- Magic 69 ball
- Magic hate ball
- Magical lump
- Magical metal attractor
- Magnified glass
- Magnifying glass eye
- Magnum opus
- Mail-order bribe
- Major setback
- Majority report
- Male-to-female phrasebook
- Malnutrition bar
- Malnutrition supplement
- Mana lotion
- Mandatory fun manual
- Mandelbrot set
- Mangy fur coat of a monster
- Many-splendored thing
- Map of an ogre's erogenous zones
- Map of Godville's sewers
- Map of nowhere
- Map of purgatory
- Map of somewhere
- Map of the other side
- Map of uncharted territory
- Map to Shangri-La
- Marble counter offer
- Mark of extinction
- Mark of the yeast
- Marker of words
- Market bubble
- Marshmelon
- Masquerade mask
- Masterless timepiece
- Matter horn
- Matter of perspective
- Matter-antimatter converter
- Maximum security prism
- Mayan colander
- Mazeltov cocktail
- Measure of gravitas
- Med-kitten
- Medal of dishonor
- Medical certificate of sanity
- Medical handwriting decoder
- Medicine dropper of holy water
- Medicine-flavoured fruit
- Medieval jukebox
- Medium-rare earth metal
- Medium-rare item
- Medusa hairnet
- Mega-bite
- Melted icicle
- Meme catcher
- Memeograph machine
- Memoir of a goldfish
- Memoir of a monster
- Memoir of an amnesiac
- Memoirs of a goldfish
- Memory card
- Memory-erasing foam
- Mental block
- Mental capacitor
- Mental floss
- Mental note
- Mental notepaper
- Mental photograph
- Mental picture
- Meowing box
- Merchant's tooth
- Mesh parachute
- Metaphor mixer
- Metaphorical cookie
- Meteor showerhead
- Metric spork
- Micro waiver
- Microchips and dip
- Microfiche and chips
- Micrognomicon
- Micropotatochip
- Mid-fight snack
- Mid-life chrysalis
- Midas touchscreen
- Midnight oil lamp
- Midnight train ticket
- Migratory coconut
- Milestone directory
- Milestone polisher
- Milestone tally counter
- Military grade alcohol
- Millennium flagon
- Millstone necklace
- Mime control device
- Mime's invisible box
- 🦃Mince pie
- Minced word
- Mind opener
- Mind screw
- Mind screw up
- Mind-cleansing wipes
- Mindless control device
- Miniature siege tower
- Minimizing glass
- Minor cord
- Minor glitch
- Minor miracle
- Minor setback
- Minstrel cycle
- Mint conditioner
- Mint-condition mint
- Mirror of self-reflection
- Mirth control pills
- Misantropical fruit
- Miscalculator
- Misconception pill
- Miserecorder
- Misfire alarm
- Misfortune cookie
- Mislabeled potion
- Misplaced confidence
- Misplaced forget-me-not
- Missing backbone
- Missing ingredient
- Missing jigsaw piece
- Missing link
- Missing puzzle piece
- Missionary positioning system
- Misstep counter
- Mistaken identity card
- Mithril putty
- Mixed message
- Mixed message decoder
- Mnemonic device
- Mobile medic
- Mobile phone booth
- Möbius donut
- Model of a model citizen
- Model train wreck
- Modesty award
- Modicum of decorum
- Modular nodule
- Moisturizing potion
- Moldy grail
- Mole detector
- Mole-extracting shovel
- Molecular cell phone
- Molehill-to-mountain converter
- Molten lavalamp
- Mondae
- Money laundering basket
- Money-laundering detergent
- Money-tree sapling
- Monkey business suit
- Monkey tennis racket
- Monkey-back guarantee
- Monolingual translator
- Monologue catalogue
- Monopole magnet
- “Monster Anatomy” appendix
- Monster colouring book
- "Monster Crossing" road sign
- Monster etiquette book
- “Monster Fancier” periodical
- %monster% identikit
- “Monster Interrogation 101” syllabus
- Monster magnet
- Monster repellent
- Monster University diploma
- Monster-of-the-month badge
- Monster-slaying license
- Monster's diary
- Monster's family photo
- Monster's ink
- Monster's union handbook
- Monsters' ball invite
- 'Monsters' Rights Movement' pamphlet
- Monsturizing cream
- Monumental tusk
- Mood destabilizer
- Mood lightning
- Moon-walking permit
- Moontan lotion
- Moose trap
- Moral bankruptcy notice
- Moral compress
- Moral fiber
- Moral fibre supplement
- Moral support beam
- Moral to a story
- Moral victory speech
- Morgue loyalty card
- Morning-ever-after pill
- Mortal oil
- Mosquito attractant spray
- Mosquito luring whistle
- Motion potion
- Motivational sneaker
- Motley crucifix
- “Motto of the Day” calendar
- Muffler belt
- Multicellular phone
- Multicolored ink bottle
- Multiple personality organizer
- Multiplication tablecloth
- Multiversal remote
- Mural of a story
- Murphy's lawbook
- Mush-berry
- Mushmallow
- Musical note
- Musical saw
- Mussel sprout
- Must-have gadget
- Mustard cutter
- Mutafacient testudinate
- Mysterious rash
- Mystery box
- Mystery meat
- Mystery meatball
- Myth duster
- Name calling card
- Name-calling card
- Nano screw bolt
- Nap sack
- Narscissors
- Natural log
- Navigational breadcrumbs
- Necronomicomic
- Necronomnomnomicon
- Necrotelicomicon
- Nectar of the dogs
- Needle
- Needle from a haystack
- Negative feedback form
- Negative feedbag
- Negative zero
- Nervous tick
- Nest egg
- Neutral ion
- Never-drying glue
- Never-ending short story
- Never-ending storybook
- "New Geek Mythology" book
- New leaf
- New perspective
- New world order form
- Newfangled doohickey
- Next big thing
- Nice cup of tea
- Nicotine eye patch
- Night watch
- Night-and-day switch
- Nightmare scenario
- Nine pieces of eight
- Nitty gritty
- “No pet parking” sign
- No-leaf clover
- No-money-back guarantee
- No-pressure cooker
- No-thank-you note
- No-way ticket
- Noble gas can
- Noise whitener
- Noise-cancelling loudspeaker
- Non-absorbent napkin
- Non-descript legendary item
- Non-essential oil
- Non-Euclidean roadmap
- Non-existential spoon
- Non-functioning token
- Non-fungible artifact
- Non-metal detector
- Non-Newtonian apple
- Non-slip banana peel
- Non-stick duct tape
- Non-stick panpipe
- Non-stop watch
- None-of-your-business card
- Nonsense sensor
- Nonstopwatch
- Noob tube
- Norse code book
- Northern lights switch
- Nose of the Sphinx
- Nose-flute
- 'Not to-do' list
- Not-so-heavy metal
- Note to self
- “Nothing to Declare” form
- Nothing-to-do list
- Novel tea
- Nuclear energy drink
- Nuclear fuchsia plant
- Nuclear wastebasket
- Nudist costume
- Nugget of freeze-dried steam
- Nugget of wisdom
- Nukulele
- Null object
- Null string
- Numerical dictionary
- Nun chucking machine
- Nut on a string
- Object of affection
- Object of ridicule
- Obscene constellation chart
- Obscene rune
- Obscure cultural reference
- Obstacle illusion
- Obstructions booklet
- Occam's safety razor
- Occasional motion machine
- Occluded front
- Ocean in a bottle
- Octarine lantern
- Octopurse
- Octopus ink pen
- Off pudding
- Official-looking document
- Offshore piggy bank
- Oil of “olé!”
- Old diary
- Old piece of equipment
- Old wife's tail
- Olive brunch
- Olympic Mentalist
- Omnicillin
- Omnipotentiometer
- Omnipresent wrapper
- One man's trash
- One millimeter ruler
- One nightstand
- One of life's lemons
- One ring binder
- One standard deviation
- One way zipper
- One-diamond carrot
- One-ended rope
- One-eyed skull
- One-leaf clover
- One-letter anagram
- One-of-a-kind item
- One-of-a-kind replica
- One-page anthology
- One-sided story
- One-ton wonton
- One-way mirror
- One-way street map
- One-way yo-yo
- One-way zipper
- Online thread
- Onomatopita
- Oodles of noodles
- Open and shut case
- Open can of worms
- Open letter
- Opened can of worms
- Operating model of a black hole
- Opinion pole
- Opposable thumb drive
- Opposable thumbtack
- Optical illusion mouse
- Optional attachment
- Optional illusion
- Orange box
- Orcish-elvish pocket dictionary
- Ore from the data mine
- Oreo borealis
- Oreo without filling
- Organ loaner card
- Organ trail map
- Organic six-pack
- Origami folding chair
- Origami paperweight
- Origami rock
- Origami temple
- Origami tesseract
- Original cliché
- Original forgery
- Orion's belt buckle
- Other cheek
- Other side of a medal
- Oughtobiography
- Ouija board
- Ouija board caller ID
- Ounce of courage
- Ounce of credibility
- Ounce of decency
- Ounce of regret
- Out of office reply
- Out-of-body lotion
- Out-of-breath mint
- Out-of-energy drink
- Out-of-pocket expense
- Out-of-scope binoculars
- Out-of-stock image
- Out-of-the-blue print
- Out-of-time machine
- Outdated fossil
- Outlandish data bank
- Outlandish gold-oyster
- Outlandish hexbox
- Outlandish thing-in-itself
- Overclocked watch
- Overdue library scroll
- Overflow chart
- Overflowing cup of resentment
- Overflowing ideabox
- Overgrown hedge fund
- Overheated blanket
- Overseas clipboard
- Overseas schmartifact
- Overseas space waster
- Overseas thingamajig
- Oversized microchip
- Overused meme
- Oyster egg
- Ozone layer cake
- Pack expansion slot
- Pack of "Are We There Yet?" stickers
- Pack of chewing bark
- Pack of chewing gum
- Pack of everlasting gobstoppers
- Pack of fireproof cigarettes
- Pack of instant doodles
- Pack of leaky batteries
- Pack of lightsaber batteries
- Pack of long odds
- Pack of non-sticky notes
- Pack of personal space tissues
- Pack of pre-sealed envelopes
- Pack of slow-cooked instant noodles
- Pack of unicorn meatballs
- Package of instant karma
- Packed punch
- Packet of holy smokes
- Packet of instant poodles
- Packet of instant soap
- Packet of memory wipes
- Packet of owl pellets
- Packet of splinters
- Packet of will-o'-the-crisps
- Pad of 365 tearable puns
- Pagan bible
- Pail of cave paint
- Pain enhancer
- Paincake
- Paint fattener
- Painting of gods playing poker
- Pair of concrete swimming trunks
- Pair of left-handed scissors
- Pair of mermaid socks
- Pair of narscissors
- Pair of Pandora's boxers
- Pair of spherical dice
- Palindrome reverser
- Pan of uni-cornbread
- Pandora's box
- Pane in the glass
- Panic boutonniere
- Panic button
- Pantheon strategy guide
- Paper airplane engine
- Paper plane
- Paper trail
- Paper trowel
- Paperback audiobook
- Paradigm shifter
- Parallel cross
- Parallel limes
- Parallel universe navigator
- Parallel university map
- Parallel world map
- Paranoid camera
- Parched paper
- Parental guidelines
- Parental lock
- Parkouring ticket
- Part of the plan
- Part time clock
- Partial download
- Participation ribbon
- Particle avoider
- Particle of clothing
- Particule accelerator
- Parting shot glass
- Party timer
- Passenger cannonball
- Passionless fruit
- Password hint
- Past life savings
- Pastry of misunderstanding
- Patty's cake
- Pauper clip
- Pavlov's hotdog
- Paw printer
- Pea-sized pea
- Peace meal
- Pearl of wisdom
- Pebble without a cause
- Peck of pixelated peppers
- Pecking order form
- Peer pressure gauge
- Peer pressure valve
- Peer pressurizer
- Pelican opener
- Penalty card
- Penalty shot glass
- Pencil ink
- Penultimatum
- Pepperminted coin
- Perfect attendance trophy
- Perfectly cromulent artifact
- Performance anxiety enhancer
- Performance-enhancing rug
- Periodic table cloth
- Periodic table of elementals
- Periodic tableau
- Permanent marker eraser
- Permanent quest marker
- Permitted fruit
- Perpetual emotion machine
- Perpetual entropy generator
- Perpetual motion sickness pill
- Perpetual stillness machine
- Perplexiglass
- Personal disorganizer
- Personal lightning rod
- Personal milestone
- Personal space extender
- Personal space tissues
- Personal spacebar
- Personal theme tune generator
- Personality quark
- Personality test kit
- Personalized bullet
- Pet brush
- "Pet Care for Heroes" book
- Pet peeve
- Pet rock
- Petrified rock
- Petty cache
- Phantom's limb
- Philosopher's scone
- Philosopher's stone
- Philosophical wax
- Phishing license
- Phishing lure
- Phoenix ashes
- Phoenix feather duster
- Photo of a basilisk
- Photo of a black square
- Photo of a mirage
- Photo of a monochromatic rainbow
- Photo of an invisible man
- Photobomb defuser
- Pi-sided die
- Pick of destiny
- Pick of the litter
- Pick up line
- Picked pocket
- Picture of a picture
- Picture of a thousand words
- Picture of Moaning Lisa
- Picture of ten thousand words
- Pièce de résistance
- Piece of advice
- Piece of bacterial soap
- Piece of bubble wrap
- Piece of contraband
- Piece of crab
- Piece of destruction paper
- Piece of duct tape
- Piece of emotional baggage
- Piece of enriched dirt
- Piece of falling sky
- Piece of flair
- Piece of grey matter
- Piece of illiterature
- Piece of insufficient data
- Piece of kryptonite
- Piece of mind
- Piece of old equipment
- Piece of Pi
- Piece of ship
- Piece of the action
- Piece of the Y-axis
- Piece of theoretical string
- Piece of typo-allergenic paper
- Piece of unchewable gum
- Piece of uncooked toast
- Piece of vendor trash
- Pig-tail sock
- Pilates license
- Pile of debt
- Pile of game solutions
- Pile of social credit
- Pile of stardust
- Pillar of society
- Pillow of eternal sleep
- Pillow pet
- Pinch of bloodbath salt
- Pineapple bomb
- Pint of no return
- Pip-Boy without batteries
- Pipe dream cleaner
- Pirate coffer
- Pirate's pegleg
- Pitcher o' health
- Pixel dust
- Pixie dust snuff
- Pixie rust
- 'Pixies Gone Wild' flipbook
- Placebo pill
- Placebo's antidote
- Plan C
- Plan Z
- Planck scale
- Plastic sturgeon
- Plate of curried favor
- "Playgod" magazine
- Playing field leveller
- Pleasure release valve
- Plot device
- Plot hole patching kit
- Plot thickener
- Plot twist straightener
- Plot twister
- Plug and play liver transplant
- Plug-n-pray device
- Pocket dimension calculator
- Pocket hero
- Pocket projector
- Pocket smelter
- Pocket universe
- Pocketful of posies
- Pocketful of rye
- Pocketful of sunshine
- Poetic justice
- Poetic license
- Poetic license plate
- Point blanket
- Point of no interest
- Pointing finger
- Pointless fork
- Pointless knife
- Pointless pencil
- Pointless scoreboard
- Pointy WIZZARD hat
- Poisoned antidote
- Polished sandpaper
- Poly-cotton candy
- Polymorphine tablets
- Pomegrenade
- Pop culture reference T-shirt
- Pop-culture reference
- Popcornerstone
- Popped balloon
- Pork screw
- Portable battery drainer
- Portable beer cooler
- Portable death star
- Portable drawbridge
- Portable ego inflation pump
- Portable milestone
- Portable photon generator
- Portable quest generator
- Portable stairway to heaven
- Portable table of contents
- Portable tunnel
- Portable wind tunnel
- Portable wormhole
- Portrait of a landscape
- Positive note
- “Post Mortem Communication for Dummies” book
- Post-humourous award
- Postcard from Atlantis
- Postdated death certificate
- Posterized milk
- Pot of petunias
- Pot of strange brew
- Pot of sufferin' succotash
- Pot of thumb-war paint
- Potato-powered lightbulb
- Potential energy bar
- Potential energy drink
- Potential limiter
- Potion of alertness
- Potion of temporary youth
- Potion of total uselessness
- Potion of vincibility
- Potion of visibility
- Pouch of cold coins
- Pouch of eterna tea
- Pouch of magic kidney stones
- Pouch of static
- Pouched egg
- Poultry sum
- Pound of torque
- Poverty trap
- Powder of attorney
- Powder of love
- Prayer receipt
- 'Praying for Dummies' handbook
- “Praymate of the Month” calendar
- Praypal account
- Praystation
- Pre-dried glue stick
- Pre-drilled holes
- Pre-emptive stroke
- Pre-Godville relic
- Pre-historic history book
- Pre-paid indulgence card
- Pre-popped bubble wrap
- Pre-sealed envelopes
- Pre-threaded needle
- Preapocalyptic guide
- Precautionary measure
- Precautionary measuring jug
- Preemptive strike
- Preemptive stroke
- Preheated debate
- Preidiotic table
- Premarital hex
- Premature obituary
- Preschool diploma
- Pretty buoy
- Previously unreleased material
- Price matches
- Priceless gift
- Priceless tag
- Pricetag of freedom
- Prints of Persia
- Prior engagement ring
- Priority straightener
- Pristine conditioner
- Private eye
- "Probability in Games for Dummies" book
- Problem solvent
- Productivity killer
- Progress bar
- Promised landmine
- Prophet margin
- "Prophets Gone Wild" calendar
- Prosthetic brain
- Prosthetic table leg
- Prototypewriter
- Prototypo
- Proverbial thing
- Psalm lotion
- Pseudoku puzzle
- Pseudoscientific evidence
- Psionic tonic
- Psychotic brake
- Psychotic episode
- Public display of affection
- Public eye
- Public key
- Public sphere
- Puddle jumper cable
- Pulp-free fiction
- Pun deconstructor
- Puncake
- Punch line
- Punishing schedule
- Punk rocket
- Punlimited edition joke
- Pure mixture
- Purified dust particles
- Puzzle solvent
- Pyramid schematic
- Pyrite treasure
- Pyrrhic victory battle plan
- Pythagorean serum
- Quadruple-sided sticky tape
- Quality controller
- Quality time capsule
- Quantum abacus
- Quantum adhesive
- Quantum heap
- Quantum mechanism
- Quantum singularity
- Quantum wrench
- Quark-screw
- Quart of law
- Quart of milk
- Quest completion certificate
- Quest positioning system
- Quest randomizer
- Quest-a-day calendar
- Question marker
- 'Quests for Dummies' book
- Queue Tip
- Quicksand castle
- Quicksand paper
- Quiver of sparrows
- Quivering arrow
- QWERTY key
- Rabbit hole
- Radio-controlled radio
- Raft of measures
- Rage quilt
- Rainbow end locator
- Rainbow feather
- Rainbow suspenders
- Raisin for living
- Raisin-covered chocolate
- Random key
- Random labyrinth map
- Random lumber generator
- Random motto generator
- Random mushroom
- Random number generator
- Randomly generated object
- Rant proposal
- Rare find
- Rarely asked questions leaflet
- Rat racecar
- Raven claw
- Razor-thin margarine
- Reaction figure
- Reader's block
- Ready-or-knot
- Real imaginary number
- Real piece of work
- Reality check
- Really long meter
- Really priceless gift
- Really quick sand
- Realtime machine
- Reanimated gif
- Reaper's Digest
- Reason to live
- Rebirth certificate
- Recalculator
- Recipe for disaster
- Recipe for failure
- Recipe for success
- Reckoning ball
- Recombobulator
- Recovery disk
- Recursive matryoshka doll
- Recycled bin
- Recycled idea
- Recyclotron
- Red hat
- Red herring
- Red hot poker chip
- Red key card
- Red pill of happiness
- Red ring of death
- Red stapler
- Refibrillator
- Refilled sandbag
- Refresh button
- Refried jellybeans
- Refurbished artifact
- Regen o' ration
- Regifted present
- Regifted thank-you note
- Region lock
- Registry entry
- Rehashed brown
- Rehashed browns
- Reheated revenge
- Rehydrated jerky
- Reincarnation punch card
- Relationship material
- Relic of the future
- Relief pitcher
- Remorse code
- Remote self-control
- Rendezvous point
- Repressed memory
- Repressed memory card
- Repressed memory foam
- Reputation bleach
- Reservoir logs
- Residual excess
- Respawn timer
- Rest of the story
- Restartifact
- Résumé polish
- Resurrection party invitation
- Resurrection permit
- Resurrection scone
- Retired iron
- Retractable protractor
- Retrospectroscope
- Reused asset
- Rhetorical device
- Rhetorical question mark
- Rhetorical questionnaire
- Rhubarbed wire
- Rhyme bomb
- Rhyme capsule
- Rib of the %monster%
- Riddle-wrapped enigma
- Risk calculator
- Rite of way
- Road winder
- Roadblock to success
- Roadmap to glory
- Roast beast sandwich
- Roasted snowball
- 🦃Roasted turkey
- Robocup
- Rock bottom
- Rock-paper-scissors guide
- Rock-shaped stone
- Rocket lawn chair
- Rocket science kit
- Rocky horror picture frame
- Roll of comedic foil
- Roll of disappoint-mints
- Roll of endless toilet paper
- Roll of mementos
- Roll of paper vowels
- Roll of political correction tape
- Roll of taped ducks
- Roll of unmasking tape
- Roll of unwrapping paper
- Roll of waterproof tissue paper
- Roller toaster
- Rolling pin cushion
- Rolling stone
- Roman candlestick
- Roman numeral translator
- Root beer flotation device
- Root of all evil
- Root of all goodness
- Root of the problem
- Rosetta scone
- Rosetta stone
- Rotary cellphone
- Rough guide to sandpaper
- Round tetris piece
- Royal jellybean
- Royal pain reliever
- Rubber chicken
- Rubber chicken nugget
- Rubber duck
- Rubber stamp
- Rubik's hypercube
- Ruffled feathers
- Ruined rune
- Rules of the Internet
- Rumor mill flour
- Running gag order form
- Russian roulette
- Rusty nail polish
- Rusty toothbrush
- Saber-toothed brush
- Sack of golden fleas
- Sack of lies
- Sacred to profane converter
- "Sacrifice for Dummies" book
- Sacrificial ham
- Sacrificial lamp
- "Safety Rules for Superheroes" book
- Sail setter
- Sailor moonshine
- Salad dressing code
- Sales glitch
- Salient point
- Salmon of doubt
- Salt of the earth
- Salt spray
- Samurai's word
- Sand from an hourglass
- Sandless hourglass
- Sandpaper towel
- Sands of time
- Sanity clause
- Sanityme
- Santa Claws bag
- Sarcasm intensifier
- Sauce of all evil
- “Save the moles” bumper sticker
- Saved game
- Saw tooth
- Sawed-off shot glass
- Scale model of a scale
- Scale of justice
- Scared relic
- Scarlet letter
- Scented breakup letter
- Scented candelabra
- Scheme of b-quark decay
- Schmartifact
- Schnozberry pie
- Schrödinger's cat box
- Science friction
- Scoff syrup
- Scratch and sniff lotto ticket
- Scratch-proof lottery ticket
- Screech-to-text translator
- Screenshaver
- Screwdriving license
- Scroll of false identity
- Scroll of Godville's anthem
- Scroll of negligible impact
- Scroll of oxymoron resistance
- Scroll of the king's speeches
- Scroll of useless knowledge
- Scrollodex
- Sculpture of a rock
- Seal of approval
- Seal of disapproval
- Seapot
- Search engine
- Search-and-destroy engine
- Second nature guide
- Second sock
- Second splitter
- Second windbag
- Second-aid kit
- Second-hand casket
- Second-to-last straw
- Secondhand birthday suit
- Secondhand second hand
- Secret handshake instructions
- Secret identity card
- Secret ingredient
- ‘Secret lair is here’ sign
- Secret milkshake
- Security blanket
- Security leek
- Sedentary rock
- Seed of change
- Seed of dissent
- Seed of doubt
- Seed of rebellion
- Seedless nut
- Seismic event calendar
- Self-absorbed sponge
- Self-absorbing towel
- Self-coloring book
- Self-deflating tire
- Self-destructing cookie
- Self-dropping microphone
- Self-health book
- Self-licking stamp
- Self-patching kit
- Self-restraint order
- Self-raising flower
- Self-tangling cable
- Self-untying shoelaces
- Self-updating diary
- Self-wrapping paper
- Selfie-destruct mechanism
- Semicologne
- Sense of purpose
- Sensitive content
- Sensor of humor
- Sentimental value calculator
- Sequential number generator
- Sergeant's drill
- Serious reservations
- Serious truffle
- Set of Godville action figures
- Set of hand-eye coordinates
- Set of kitchen throwing knives
- Set of loose screws
- Set of mitigating circumstances
- Set of parental guidelines
- Set of pre-drilled holes
- Set of unused desktop shortcuts
- Settled score
- Seven deadly pins
- Seven-league shoe
- Severed headline
- Severed tie
- Shadow of a doubt
- Shadow puppet
- Shameless plug
- Shamerock
- Shaming cream
- Shape of things
- “Share your password” button
- Sharp wit
- Shattered dream fragments
- Shavings account
- Sheet of ink-proof paper
- Sheet of personal disinformation
- Sheet of personal information
- Sheet of rain
- Shellphone
- Shenanigram
- Shining example
- Shiny bauble
- Shiny metal acorn
- Shiny metal axe
- Shiny metal X
- Shiny trinket
- Shipwreck in a bottle
- Shivering timber
- Shoe shrine kit
- Shoehorn of plenty
- Shoestring budget
- Shopped photo
- Shopped picture
- Short end of a stick
- Short end of a wishbone
- Short fuse
- Short shrift
- Short straw
- Short weekend stretcher
- Short-circuit board
- Shortcut lengthener
- Shortest suicide note
- Shoulder blade sharpener
- Shower bomb
- Shred of dignity
- Shred of the %monster%
- Shrinking violet
- Shrubbery
- Shrunken head
- Sick note
- Side job bonus
- Sidekick stand
- Sidetracking device
- Sign of peace
- Sign of the times
- Signature dish
- Silence-o-meter
- Silent alarm
- Silent bob
- Silly pâté
- 'Silly String Theory' book
- Silver bullet
- Silver lining
- Silver tongue
- Simulation emulator
- Single malt scotch-tape
- Single-malt whisker
- Single-sided coin
- Single-use silverware
- Siren's sheet music
- Six-fingered glove
- Skeleton key
- Skeleton keycard
- Sketchy book
- Skid marker
- Skill rearranger
- Skin refoliant
- Slack cutter
- Slapstick
- Sleaze bag
- Slice of American pie
- Slice of good fortune
- Slice of heaven
- Slice of humble pie
- Slice of jurassic pork
- Slice of leftover pizza
- Slice of life
- Slide ruler
- Slip of the tongue
- Slippery slope
- Slow burner
- Slow motion picture
- Slow motion sensor
- Small hadron collider
- Smart cookie
- Smartifact
- Smelting pot
- Smoke ring
- Smoke signal booster
- Smoked salmonella
- Smoking barrel
- Smoking gum
- Smoking pun
- Snail lacquer
- Snake eye
- Snappy comeback
- Snappy comeback generator
- Snark plug
- Snark tooth
- Snooze button
- Snowflake identification guide
- Snowglobe of Godville
- Snuff of legend
- “So You've Tamed a Monster” book
- Soap box
- Soap cleaner
- Soap on a rope
- Soap opera ticket
- Sobering thought
- Social battery
- Social construction permit
- Social ladder
- Social network adapter
- Sock of ages
- Soft center
- Soft gooey center
- Soft rock
- Solar ellipse
- Solar flair
- Solar-powered candle
- Solar-powered darkness absorber
- Solar-powered pencil
- Solemn vowel
- Solid maybe
- Solid mold ingot
- Solitary sock collection
- Someone else's drift
- Something to talk about
- Sorcerer's cup
- Sorcerer's pebble
- "Sorry, we are Open" sign
- Soul train ticket
- Sound of silence
- Soup basket
- Soup knife
- Sowing kit
- Space oddity
- Space stationery
- Space waster
- Space-time continuum glue
- Space-time fabric conditioner
- Space-timestamp
- Spacely sprocket
- Spare change
- Spare change of plans
- Spare liver
- Spare rib
- Spare time
- Spark of genius
- Special snowflake
- Spectral thermometer
- Speech bubble
- Speeding ticket
- Spell binder
- Spell cheque
- Spellbook of spellchecking
- Spellchecker spell
- Spice of life (variety pack)
- Spider web address
- Spinal enhancement pill
- Spinal extension cord
- Spineless book
- Spirit animal cracker
- Spirit guidepost
- Split hair
- Split personality test
- Spoilage alert
- <spoiler alert>
- Spoils of peace
- Spontaneous combustion engine
- Spool of existential thread
- Spool of hamstring
- Spool of story thread
- Spork
- Spot of bother
- Spot of bother remover
- Spotless record
- Spread sheet
- Spreadsheet music
- Sprig of unlucky heather
- Spring cleanser
- Spy manual
- SQL injection syringe
- Square foot
- Square router
- Square-shaped orb
- Squashed racket
- Squeaky floorboard
- St. Elmo's fire extinguisher
- Stained glasses
- Stainless wood
- Stale pizza
- Stand-up comic book
- Standard of idiocy
- Standard of justice
- Stardust sprinkler
- Statue of limitations
- Status cymbal
- Steam valve
- Steam-powered dehumidifier
- Step-by-step guide to stairs
- Stepless ladder
- Stepping stone
- Stereolith
- Stereotypewriter
- Stick 'em up note
- Stick figurine
- Stick in the mud
- Stick of tulip balm
- Stick-on peephole
- Stiff sentence
- Stiff upper lip gloss
- Stimulus package
- Stolen burglar alarm
- Stone brick
- Stone hinge
- Stone of variable hardness
- Stone-shaped rock
- Stopwatch hourglass
- Straight corkscrew
- Straight tetris piece
- Straightened boomerang
- Strange brew
- Stranger thing
- Stranger's candy
- Strategy guide of life
- Strategy tictacs
- Street credit
- Street credit card
- Stress ball
- Stress booster
- Stretched truth
- String of garlic
- Strip of bacon
- Strongly-lettered word
- Strongly-worded letter
- Stubborn stain
- Stuff of legend
- Stuff that nobody wants
- Stuffed animal cracker
- Stuffing of nightmares
- Stunflower seeds
- Styling gelato
- Subatomic bomb
- Subatomic cuticle
- Subject-verb agreement
- Subliminal message
- Submarinara sauce
- Submersible hovercraft
- Subplot thickener
- Subpoena colada
- Sudokube
- Sugar bowl
- Sugar-coated tooth
- Sugar-free salt
- Suggestive box
- Suggestively-shaped object
- Suggestively-shaped turnip
- Summoning circle chalk
- Sun spot remover
- Sun-dried ice cream
- Sun-protection monocle
- Sunburn lotion
- Sunny disposition
- Suntan potion
- Super bowl
- Super mango
- Superficial intelligence
- Supermassive plot hole
- Supersonic screwdriver
- Supreme ruler
- Surface tension reliever
- Surface tensioner
- Surprising invite
- Surreal-to-real tape deck
- Survival guide
- "Surviving in the Wastelands for Dummies" book
- Survivor's quilt
- Suspect package
- Suspicious attachment
- Suspicious package
- Suspiciously green lemon
- Swan's song lyrics
- Swatch of spacetime fabric
- Swear jar
- Sweet tooth
- Sweetest lemon
- Swimming carpet
- Swindler's list
- Swiss Army spoon
- Swiss-army cheese
- Switched-at-birth certificate
- Sword docking station
- Sword enlargement pill
- Sword in a scone
- Synonym bun
- Table of elementals
- Table of malcontents
- Tablebottom game
- Tablet of contents
- Tablet of random numbers
- Tail of the %monster%
- Tan line
- Tandem unicycle
- Tank of healium
- Tape mixer
- Tar and feathers
- Tarnished record
- Tarot cake
- Tarot card booster pack
- Tattered lamb puppet
- Tattle tail
- Tavern song mixtape
- Tears of a clown
- Tech support shaman's skull
- Tectonic paper plate
- Tectonic plate
- Teddy bear pelt
- Teddy bear's picnic basket
- Teen spirit
- Teeth blackener
- Telegraphic novel
- Telemiscommunication device
- Teleportrait
- Tell-tale heart
- Telltale sign
- “Temple & Garden” magazine
- Temple extension planning permit
- Temple insurance plan
- Temple welcome mat
- Temporary blip
- Tempting red button
- Tentacle demon egg
- Terms conditioner
- Territory marker
- Tesla coil
- Text tile
- Textbook on material strength
- Texture map
- Thanks-for-nothing card
- "The Top 100 Things I'd Do if I Ever Became an Evil Overlord" booklet
- Theory of relatives
- Thigh bone
- Thin blue lime
- Thing-in-itself
- Thingamajig
- “Things to Forget” list
- Think tankard
- Third ear
- Third eye
- Third eyedrops
- Third wheel
- Third-party invitation
- Thorn in the side
- Thought bubble
- Thought counter
- Thought inhibitor
- Thought pattern
- "Thoughts and Prayers" kit
- Three-headed coin
- Three-sided sandwich
- Three-volume orcish epic
- Thyme bomb
- Tiberium log
- Ticket for 'Godville the Musical'
- Ticket for "Heroes on Ice"
- Ticket to a grinding fest
- Ticket to a ticket exhibition
- Ticket to an early grave
- Ticket to memory lane
- Ticket to paradise
- Ticket to sail
- Ticket to the eternal void
- Ticket to the gun show
- Ticket to the media circus
- Ticking photobomb
- Tickled fancy
- Tickling time bomb
- Tightrope loosener
- Time amplification device
- Time frame
- Time loop
- Times new ramen
- Tin of armor polish
- Tin of chewing tar
- Tin of hoof polish
- Tin of supplemints
- Tinsel pack
- Tiny insignificant detail
- Tip of an iceberg
- Tip of an iceberg lettuce
- Titanic ice cube
- Titanium paperclip
- To-forget list
- Toad's stool
- Toast in the machine
- Toe curler
- Toilet papyrus
- Toilet seatbelt
- Token of affectation
- Token of affection
- Token of affliction
- Token of appreciation
- Token of friendship
- Token of gratitude
- Token of humility
- Token ring
- Told-you-sewing kit
- Tome of questing
- Tomorrow's newspaper
- Ton of fun
- Tongue-in-cheek depressor
- Toolbox of the trade
- Tooth of a fairy
- Tooth of a gift horse
- Toothless saw
- Toothpick dispenser
- Top notch
- Topographical mop
- Torrent seed
- Torrent-cracker
- Torture chamberpot
- Totem pole
- Totem poll
- Touchy subject
- Tough cookie
- Tough love notepaper
- Tough luck softener
- Tough nut
- Tourist trap
- Toxic antidote
- Toy train of thoughtlessness
- TPS report
- Trade license
- Trade mark
- Traffic decongestant
- Traffic sigil
- Tragic back story
- Tragic carpet
- Trailer park tornado magnet
- Train-of-thought schedule
- Tranquilized garden gnome
- Tranquilizer dartboard
- Transmogrifier
- Transparent dye
- Transparent highlighter pen
- Transparent mirror
- Trash expander
- Trash talk bin
- Traumatic experience point
- Treasure chest expander
- Treble clef
- Trendy cyclops sunglass
- Triangular root
- Tribble
- Tribble repellent
- Tricky part
- Tricycle kickstand
- Trigger-happy meal
- Tripewriter
- Triple cross
- Triple-dog dare
- Trojan horseshoe
- Troll bait
- Troll bridge easy pass
- Troll mix
- Trollface
- Trolling stone
- Trombone marrow
- Trophy generator
- Tropical snowglobe
- Trouble magnet
- Troubled clef
- Troubleshooting star
- Trump card
- Trust tissue
- Truth embellisher
- Truth or dare serum
- Truthpick
- "Try again" letter
- "Try This At Home" guidebook
- Tub of permafrosting
- Tube of copy and paste
- Tube of copy-paste
- Tube of plague-fighting toothpaste
- Tube of sideburn cooling gel
- Tube of truthpaste
- Tumtum tree seed
- Tuning knife
- Turned-over leaf
- Tutorial walkthrough
- Twenty-sided dice
- Twice-checked list
- Twisted pretzel
- Two tickets to paradise
- Two-eyed paper clip
- Two-faced lyre
- Two-handed screwdriver
- Two-holed donut
- Two-legged stool
- Two-pound dumbbell
- Two-way shaving mirror
- Typographic map
- U-shaped tube
- Ultra-violent scanner
- Ultraviolent lamp
- Umpteenth timer
- Un-leaded pencil
- Unattended bag
- Unauthorized entree
- Unbendable beam
- Unbendable spoon
- Unbirthday cake
- Unbreakable egg
- Unbreakable emergency glass
- Unbridled passionfruit
- Unbroken sweat
- Unclaimed lottery ticket
- Unclaimed luggage
- Unclear launch codes
- Unclear reactor
- Uncommonwealth
- Unconnected dots
- Uncrossed pretzel
- Under-the-counter medicine
- Under-the-weather forecast
- Underdog collar
- Undercover reagent
- Underwatermark
- Undo-it-yourself kit
- Unenclosed semicolon
- Unfinished business card
- Unflavored popsicle
- Unflippable switch
- Unfluffed pillow
- Unfolded origami figure
- Unfolded paper airplane
- Unhappy meal
- Unholy grail
- Unholy swiss cheese
- Unicoin
- Unicorn flakes
- Unicornish pasty
- Unicornucopia
- Unicycle built for two
- Unicycle handlebar
- Unidentified furry object
- Unintended bun
- Uninvitation letter
- Uninvited guestbook
- Union jack-o'-lantern
- Universal accent translator
- Universal decoder ring
- Universal discharger
- Universal serial bus pass
- Universal turning machine
- Universe-shaped donut
- Unix shell
- Unknown extension
- Unlicensed plate
- Unlife support system
- Unlimited breadstick
- Unlined graph paper
- Unloaded dice
- Unlootable item
- Unlucky charm
- Unlucky rabbit's foot
- Unmarked bill
- Unnatural 20
- Unnatural resource
- Unnecessary paperwork
- Unnecessary-hyphen
- Unpaid bar tab
- Unpaired sock
- Unpleasant memory
- Unrecognizable monster part
- Unrepeatable mantra
- Unresponsive script
- Unsafe deposit box
- Unscrewdriver
- Unsigned death warrant
- Unsigned petition
- Unspeakable horoscope
- Unsplittable banana
- Unsupported feature
- Unsustainable model
- Untied knot
- Untitled document
- Untruth serum
- Untuned harmonica
- Unturned stone
- Untwistable plot
- Unused icon
- Unused potential
- Unused variable
- Unwanted poster
- “Unwelcome” doormat
- Upper lip stiffener
- Upside-down circle
- Urban dictionary
- Urge suppressor
- Urn of phoenix ashes
- Used artifact
- Used mad lib
- Used multipass
- Used starter kit
- Useful junk
- Useless artifact
- User-generated discontent
- Vacant genie's lamp
- Vacuum tube sock
- Value-added tacks
- Vampire suntan lotion
- Vampire's dentures
- Vampire's mirror
- Vampyrite
- Vanishing pint
- Vanishing point
- Varmint julep
- Vegetable oil drill
- Vegetarian meatball
- Veiled treat
- Veneer of respectability
- Venetian blind spot
- Venn diaphragm
- "Ventriloquism for Dummies" book
- Venus mousetrap
- Verbal agreement form
- Verified “verified” sticker
- Vial of bad blood
- Vial of breadcrumbs
- Vial of bullseye drops
- Vial of burning desire
- Vial of chocolate rain
- Vial of common sense
- Vial of cursed holy water
- Vial of dork matter
- Vial of earthly delighter fluid
- Vial of gender fluid
- Vial of god-liver oil
- Vial of holiday spirit
- Vial of liquid ROFL
- Vial of pure conjecture
- Vial of side effects
- Vial of toxic positivity
- Vial of turnip blood
- Vial of unjustified optimism
- Vial of vitamin C++
- Vial of vitamin X
- Vicious circle
- Vicious cycle
- Victory sweetener
- Village idiom
- Villain's monologue script
- Vinyl ringtone collection
- Viral meme vaccine
- Virtual loot
- Virtue signaling flare
- Viscious circle
- Visible concern
- Vitameatavegamin
- Voice of treason
- Voice strainer
- Volcanic ashtray
- Volcanic rash
- Volcano insurance policy
- Voodoo action figure
- Voucher for an IOU
- Vow of science
- Vuvuzela song book
- Wabbit hunting license
- Wake-up call
- Walking schtick
- Wall flour
- Wall nut
- Wallflower fertiliser
- Wallflower fertilizer
- War bonds and adhesives
- Wardrobe malfunction
- Warp seed
- Warrior seasoning
- Waste of space
- Waste of spaceship
- Waste of time capsule
- Wasted talent
- Water gun silencer
- Water-damaged umbrella
- Water-soluble fish
- Watergun ammo
- Waterlemon
- Waterproof soap
- Waterproof sponge
- Waterproof teabag
- Wave of emotion
- Weak link
- Weak spot
- "Weapons R Us" gift card
- Weathered mane
- Weathered report
- Web browser
- Web of lies
- Welcome drink
- Welding ring
- Well-cooked book
- Well-milked metaphor
- Well-oiled cog
- Well-oiled machine
- Well-worn cliche
- Wet blanket
- Wet paper bag
- Wet paper towel dispenser
- 'What Loot Bag?' magazine
- Wheel of korma
- Wheel of misfortune
- Wheeled hoverboard
- Whine decanter
- Whine rack
- Whipper snapper
- Whiskey in the jar
- White flag
- White hole
- "Who's your deity?" button
- Whole lot of nothing
- Whole shebang
- Wicked simile
- Wicked smile
- Wide berth
- Wife trophy
- Wiki basket
- Wild goose chaise
- "Will code HTML for food" tablet
- Willpower generator
- Wind rose
- Wind-down toy
- Wind-powered fan
- Wind-up sundial
- Window of opportunity
- Window shopping catalog
- Window to the soul
- Window to the world
- Winning formula
- Winter fur coat from a monster
- Wireless cord
- Wireless cutter
- Wireless seatbelt
- Wirt's other leg
- Wisdom toothpick
- Wish for good luck
- “Wish you were beer” postcard
- Wishing well coin
- Wishy-washy machine
- Wit sharpener
- Witch doctoral degree
- Witch-doctor's prescription
- Witchcrafting table
- Withdrawn submission
- Wok of shame
- Wonderbox
- Wooden brick
- Wooden frying pan
- Word on the street
- Word salad
- Wordsmith's hammer
- Work-life balance
- World record player
- World's tiniest violin
- Wormhole patch
- Worn-out frog skin
- Worse of two goods
- Worship-o-meter
- Worst case scenario
- Worst set of circumstances
- Worst-aid kit
- Wreath of Khan
- Wristlet sundial
- Writer's block
- Writer's cramp
- Written voicemail
- Wrong waypoint
- Wrong-angled triangle
- X marking the spot
- X-file
- X-ray depthometer
- Xmas stocking
- Yellow snowball
- 'Yes We' can
- Yesterday's forecast
- Yesterday's horoscope
- Yesterday's newspaper
- Yogi beard
- 'You are not here' dot
- "You Are Probably Here" sign
- "You Shall Not" pass
- “Your deity loves you!” poster
- Your-name-here toe tag
- Yucky charm
- Z chromosome
- Zen diagram
- Zen energy pouch
- Zero dimensional point
- Zero-gravity paperweight
- Zero-ohm resistor
- Zig-to-zag converter
- Zipped lip
- Zombie apocalypse poster
- Zombie survival kit
- ZPG controller
- <*((((><
- ❄
Main page: List of Monsters.
- 101 Headed Dalmatian
- 3D Sprinter
- 3D-Printed Golem
- 502 Bad Gatekeeper
- 64-Bit Professor
- A.I. Capone
- Aardvark of the Covenant
- Abandoned Tamagotchi
- Abominable Sandman
- Abracadaver
- Abridged Troll
- Academia Nut
- Access Denier
- Accidentist
- Achievement Hunter
- Achilles’ Healer
- Acid Reindeer
- Acid Trip Advisor
- Acid-Breathing Penguin
- Acrophobic Dragon
- Actual Monster
- Adamant Atheist
- Adamantine Golem
- Adamantine Skeleton
- Adminitraitor
- Adminotaur
- Adoring Fan
- Advanced War-Hare
- After-Mathematician
- Afterlife Coach
- Afterlifeguard
- Aftermoth
- Aggressive Pedestrian
- Aimless Archer
- Air Guitarist
- Aircraft Terrier
- Alarm Croc
- Alarming Clock
- Albatrocity
- Alchemeleon
- Alchemical Engineer
- Ale-Chemist
- Algebrawler
- Alien Space Bat
- Allergenie
- All-seeing eyewitness
- Alma Monster
- Alpacalypse
- Alpha Centaur
- Alpha Mole
- Alpha Whale
- Alter Eagle
- Alter Ego
- Aluminum Fowl
- Ambush Driver
- American Dreamer
- Amiable Snowman
- Ammoknight
- Anaphylactic Shark
- Anarchitect
- Ancient Geek
- Angel of Death Metal
- Angel of Debt
- Angel of Symmetry
- Angry Camper
- Animaniac
- Animated Sprite
- Ankle Biter
- Anonymouse
- Antagonist
- Anthropomorphic Person
- Anti-Anti-Virus
- Anti-Bio-Tick
- Anti-Social Worker
- Antibody Builder
- Antihero
- Ape of Wrath
- Apex Vegetarian
- Apocalypse Cow
- Apocalyptic Bunny
- Aporkalyptic Pig
- Appetitan
- April Fool
- Aquaholic
- Aquaphobic Fish
- Aqueduck
- Arabian Knight
- Arachnophobic Spider
- Arch Angelfish
- Arch-Anemone
- Archetypo
- Archipelagoat
- Archnemesis
- Arctic Firebird
- Arctic Monkey
- Are We There Yeti
- Arena Stalker
- Argyle Gargoyle
- Ark Enemy
- Ark Tick
- Armapillow
- Armchair Assassin
- Armchair Critic
- Arrestocrat
- Arrgh-onaut
- Art Gecko
- Artifact Smuggler
- Artificial Intellectual
- Artist of War
- Artsy Fox
- Asparagoose
- Aspirina
- Assault Shaker
- Asthmatic Dragon
- Aston Martian
- Astronautilus
- Astrophobic Alien
- Atheist Mantis
- Athlete's Foot Soldier
- Atom Miser
- Atomic Kitten
- Attention Seeker
- Attention Spaniel
- Attilla the Nun
- Attorney-in-law
- Augmented Realist
- Auntagonizer
- Auntie Virus
- Auto Corrector
- Auto Pilot
- Auto Pirate
- Autobotanist
- Autocorrections Officer
- Autoexec Bat
- Autonomouse
- Autoparrot
- Autophobic Recluse
- Avant Guardian
- Avant-Guard Dog
- Average Foe
- Awkwarg
- Babytooth Tiger
- Background Character
- Backseat Dungeoner
- Backstage Pastor
- Backward Thinker
- Bad Hobbit
- Bad Influencer
- Bad News Bear
- Bad Samaritan
- Bad-Eye Deer
- Badger of Honor
- Badger of Shame
- Badministrator
- Badonkadonkey
- Bagstabber
- Bald Eagle Scout
- Bald Mammoth
- Ballistic Slug
- Balloonatic
- Ballpoint Penguin
- Balrogue
- Bananaconda
- Bandwidth Devourer
- Bandwidth Hog
- Bankrupt Leprechaun
- Bansheetta
- Baracotta
- Barbeerian
- Barber of Godville
- Bard Against Humanity
- Bard of Prey
- Bardvark
- Bargoyle
- Baristocrat
- Barking Catfish
- Barrel Fish
- Basement Cat
- Basement Dweller
- Bash Ogre
- 🦌Basher the Reindeer
- Bastard Lunatic
- Bath-Bomber
- Battle Hamster
- Battle Ox
- Battle Rattlesnake
- Battle Toad
- Battlesheep
- Battleshrimp
- Bawdy Guard
- Bazookat
- Bean Stalker
- Bear Minimum
- Bear Witness
- Bear-Faced Liar
- Beardless Dwarf
- Bearlock
- Bearskin Thug
- Beast Seller
- Beathoven
- Beauti-Fool
- Bedheaded Monster
- Bee Holder
- Beefed-Up Minotaur
- Beefy Jerk
- Beelzebieber
- Beelzebubba
- Beelzebubble
- Beer Cub
- Beer Golem
- Beer Hunter
- Beer Mugger
- Beerburglar
- Beerkat
- Beermonger
- Beerserker
- Beerwolf
- Bench Warmer
- Bendy Shark
- Beta Jester
- Beta Male
- Bewarewolf
- Bewilderbeest
- Bicyclops
- Big Bad Bed Bug
- Bigger Badder Wolf
- Biggerfoot
- Bike Peddler
- Binary Canary
- Bio-degrader
- Biological Nightmare
- Biowolf
- Bipolar Bear
- Bipolar Opposite
- Bird of Paralyze
- Bird of Pray
- Biterina
- Bitter Chocoholic
- Black Belt Conveyor
- Black Panzer
- Black Sheep
- Blade Runner
- Blame Game Warden
- Blamethrower
- Blasphemouse
- Blind Gorgon
- Blind Watchman
- Blind Weresquirrel
- Blood Bank Robber
- Blood Curdler
- Blood Vassal
- Blood-Sucking Lawyer
- Bloodcurdling Whale
- Bloodthirsty Mosquito
- Bloodthirsty Umpire
- Bloody Hellcat
- Blue Merlin
- Blue Occult Öyster
- Blue Ray
- Blue-Toothed Mouse
- Bluffalo
- 🦌Blunder the Reindeer
- Blunderachiever
- Blundertaker
- Blunt Instrumentalist
- Boa Conscriptor
- Boarbarian
- Boartender
- Bobble-Headed Hydra
- Bodily Ogre
- Bodybuilding Skeleton
- Bone Corrector
- Boneless Skeleton
- Boneyard Dog
- Bonfirefly
- Bonsai Treant
- Boogie Woogie Man
- Boogy Knight
- Book Wyrm
- Boolean XORcist
- Boomerangutan
- Boozerker
- Borderline Collie
- Born-Again Zombie
- Bossferatu
- Bossquito
- Bosstard
- Bosstradamus
- Bottle Droid
- Bottled Water Elemental
- Bottomless Pitbull
- Bounty Haunter
- Boxing Dove
- Boy Who Cried “Dupe”
- Bragon
- Brain Frog
- Brainless Scarecrow
- Brainstorm Trooper
- Brand Newt
- Brass Monkey
- Brassquatch
- Brat Out of Hell
- Brawlrog
- Breaking Badger
- 🦌Brewpid the Reindeer
- Brick Golem
- Bridezilla
- Broadbandit
- Brown-Eyed Ghoul
- Browser Historian
- Bubble Burster
- Bubble Raptor
- Bubblewrap Mummy
- Bubbly
- Bubonic Plagiarist
- Bulletproof Monk
- Bulletproof Pest
- Bully Mammoth
- Bumpkin King
- Bureau-Cat
- Business Monkey
- Busted Ghost
- Butterfly Monarch
- Butter Troll
- Button Masher
- Buzz Bunny
- Buzzkiller
- Cabbage Patch Squid
- Called by Duty
- Cancel Vulture
- Cannon Bull
- Cantankerous Chimaera
- Capeless Crusader
- Capitalist Overlord
- Captain Crunchy
- Captain Emo
- Captain Oblivious
- Carameleon
- Carbon Foot Prince
- Card Shark
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Cardboard Ox
- Caricature Witness
- Carjackal
- Carnage Patch Kid
- Carpe Demon
- Carpenter Ent
- Carpetbadger
- Carrier Penguin
- Cartogopher
- Cash Cow
- Cast Iron Man
- Cat Herder
- Catapoltergeist
- Catastroflea
- Caterpillar of Strength
- Catographer
- Cattle Prodigy
- Cattlefish
- Cautionary Tailor
- Caveat Temptor
- Cawing Wumpus
- Ceiling Cat
- Celery Stalker
- Celestial Body-Builder
- Cellfish
- Cementalist
- Censorcerer
- Censorsheep
- Centaur of Attention
- Centaur of Gravity
- Centaurfold
- Centipig
- Centourist
- Century Fox
- Cereal Killer
- Ceremonial Swine
- Chain Male
- Chain-Mailman
- Chainsnail
- Chairman of the Bored
- Chalk Outline
- Chalkboard Scratcher
- Chaos Butterfly
- Chaos Forger
- Character Assassin
- Characterless Actor
- Charlie's Angel
- Cheap Skater
- Cheat Sheep
- Checkered Hag
- Cheeky Little Devil
- Cheerful Lemming
- Cheese Kraken
- Cheeseburglar
- Chemical Agent
- Cherno-Bull
- Cherry Possum
- Cheshire Rat
- Chesthugger
- Chewbaccacabra
- Chicken Bouillonaire
- Chicken in a Guy Suit
- Chief of Staph
- Chili Con Carnivore
- Chimpanzealot
- Chimpunzee
- Chip Monk
- Chinkilla
- Chocolate Elemental
- Chocolate Moose
- Cholestroll
- Christmas Wraith
- Chupacabra
- Cinnabunny
- Cinnaminion
- Cinnamon Troll
- Civic Centaur
- Civil Serpent
- Civil Warlord
- Civil Warrior
- Clam Before the Storm
- Clambassador
- Clamity
- Clawstrophobic Crab
- Cliff Hanger
- Clockroach
- Clockwork Orangutan
- Closet Monster
- Closet Skeleton
- Cluster Duck
- Coal Mime
- Cod of War
- Code Monkey
- Coffee Mugger
- Coffiend
- Coffinella
- Cogito Ergo Summoner
- Coin Sloth
- Cold Turkey
- Colonel of Truth
- Colorblind Chameleon
- Colossal Microbe
- Combat Ant
- Combat Wombat
- Combustible Piñata
- Comedic Deliveryman
- Comic Con Artist
- Commandodo
- Common Dominator
- Compressed Heir
- Compsognathus
- Concreature
- Concussionist
- Conga Lion
- Congenital Defector
- Conglomerat
- Constantinoble
- Contest-Ant
- Continental Drifter
- Contraband Mule
- Contraband Snuggler
- Contrabandit
- Conversation Ender
- Cookie Mobster
- Cookie Monster
- Cooling Fanatic
- Copfish
- Copy Cat
- Copycaterpillar
- Copyrat
- Copyrider
- Copyrighted Character
- Copywight
- Cordless Drill Sergeant
- Cornquistador
- Corporate Drone
- Corporate Giant
- Cosmopolitician
- Cotton Candy Golem
- Couch Commando
- Count of Three
- County Faerie
- Country Toad
- Count Spatula
- Counter Shrike
- Court Martial Artist
- Cow Lich
- Cowlossus
- CPU Hog
- Crabbessa
- Crabbot
- Crabomination
- Crabtain
- Cracked Kraken
- Crackerjackal
- Crane of Thought
- Crash Test Mummy
- Creeping Beauty
- Crime Minister
- Criminal Master Mime
- Critical Bug
- Critical Drinker
- Critical Mastodon
- Crooked Ruler
- Croquet Mullet
- Cross Checker
- Cross Hare
- Cross-Eyed Basilisk
- Crouching Tiger
- Crowbard
- Crowd Sorcerer
- Cruise Controller
- Crunchella
- Crunchy Captain
- Crushtacean
- Crying Wolf
- Crypt Creeper
- Crypt Miner
- Crypto-Knight
- Crysanthemummy
- Ctrl Freak
- Ctrl-Alt-Delinquent
- Cucumbear
- Cursetacean
- Cutthroat Competitor
- Cutting Remarksman
- Cyber Punk
- Cyberserker
- Cyborganic Chicken
- Damsel Distresser
- Dandy Lion
- Danger
- Dark Inkling
- Dark Stormy Knight
- Dart Boar
- Darth Invader
- Day Shift Vampire
- Daydream Bereaver
- Daymare
- Dead Horse
- Dead Ringer
- Dead Sea Serpent
- Dead Sea Troll
- Dead Survivor
- Dead Terrorist
- Dead Wringer
- Deaf Leopard
- Death Roe
- Debuffalo
- Decepticorn
- Decomposing Composer
- Deconstruction Worker
- Deep Crow
- Deer God
- Defective Inspector
- Defence Attorney
- Defender of Injustice
- Deformed Rabbit
- Dehumanizer
- Déjà-Vulture
- Delirium Tremendous
- Deliverator
- Delusionist
- Delusionist of Grandeur
- Demigods
- Demonic Angelfish
- Demoted Plutocrat
- Demotivational Speaker
- Depressed Robot
- Depresso Machine
- Desert Beagle
- Desert Eagle
- Desperado
- Desperadon't
- Desperate House Elf
- Despicable Ewe
- Destroyer of Words
- Detention Centaur
- Detour Guide
- Detrimentalist
- Deus Ex Machinist
- Devil Dog
- Devil Ray
- Devil Wearing Nada
- Devil's Advocate
- Diary Page Golem
- Diastronaut
- Diction Fairy
- Diet Sprite
- Difficultist
- Digested Reader
- Dire Squirrel
- Dirt Devil
- Dirty Cheetah
- Disarmadillo
- Disassembly Lion
- Disasterisk
- Disastronaut
- Discardinal
- Discomancer
- Discontent Creator
- Discordion Player
- Disenchanted Wizard
- Disgruntled Customer
- Disgruntled Postal Clerk
- Dismissionary
- Dispelling Bee
- Displeasurebot
- Disrespectre
- Distilled Spirit
- Djinn-in-Tunic
- Do Badder
- Do-Re-Mimic
- Doctor Hu
- Doctor Whoa
- Doctor Why
- Dogfather
- Dogmatic Cat
- Dominant Genie
- Doom Shroom
- Dopaminer
- Doppelgangster
- Dork Knight
- Dotcommando
- Double Chinchilla
- Double Dragon
- Double Tap Dancer
- Double-Cross Dresser
- Doubt Collector
- Downward Facing Dog
- Doyouthinkhesaurus
- Draculator
- Dragon with a Girl Tattoo
- Dragon-Sized Fly
- Dragonandon
- Dragonella
- Dragonspayer
- Drain Snake
- Dramagician
- Dramatic Chipmunk
- Dreaded Gazebo
- Dreadnautilus
- Dreadneck
- Dreadwinner
- Dream Shatterer
- Dream Weaver
- Dress Code Decrypter
- Drillissa
- Drinkerbell
- Drop Bear
- Dryer Gnome
- Ducktator
- Duct Ape
- Duct Tape Golem
- Duke of Haphazard
- Dummy
- Dumpster Friar
- Dunce Instructor
- Dungeon Keeper
- Dungeon Sweeper
- Duperman
- Dust Bunny
- Dust Devil
- Dyna Mite
- Dysenterrier
- Dyslexic Agnostic
- Dyson Steer
- E-book Worm
- E-Bowler
- E-Mailman
- Eager Beaver
- Earlier Worm
- Early Bird
- Earthworm Djinn
- Earworm
- Eclairic
- Eclectic Eel
- Edible Jelly
- Educated Flea
- Eel of Fortune
- Effective Butterfly
- Ego Trip Advisor
- Eight-bit Thief
- Electric Fencer
- Electric Monk
- Electric Orc Welder
- Electro Magnate
- Electro-Cutie
- Electromagnetic Specter
- Elemental of Surprise
- Elephant of Surprise
- Elephantom
- Elite Worrier
- Emotional Baggage Handler
- Enchanted Florist
- Encryption Keeper
- Encyclopedia Salesman
- Enemy of My Enemy
- Enemy of the People
- Energizer Bully
- Energizer Bunny
- Enforcement Droid 209
- Ent of the World
- Entreprenerd
- Entry-Level Enemy
- Enviro-Mentalist
- Epic Flailer
- Episodic Pilot
- Equine Ox
- Ergonomic Mouse
- Erroneous Monk
- Errorist
- Escape Goat
- Escargoat
- Escargolem
- Eternal Dalmatian
- Eternal Optometrist
- Evangelical Atheist
- Evil Genius
- Evil Giraffe
- Evil Minion
- Evil Monkey
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Resident
- Evil Step-Monster
- Evil Twin
- Eviscerator
- Ewe Bastard
- Ex Uber Ant
- Ex-Ghoulfriend
- Ex-Guildfriend
- Excalibrator
- Exception Handler
- Excessive Hashtagger
- Excuse Hunter
- Executionerd
- Exhaust Piper
- Exiled Vault Dweller
- Exo-Skeleton
- Exoskeletor
- Expendable Crewman
- Extra Dry Djinn
- Fabergé Chicken
- Facepalm Reader
- Fail Whale
- Failkyrie
- Fairweather Fiend
- Fairy Godfather
- False Cod
- False Witness
- Famine Fatale
- Famous Decomposer
- Fangless Vampire
- Fantasea
- Fantastic Foe
- Farce of Nature
- Fashion Insultant
- Fashion Offender
- Fat Cat
- Fat Chancellor
- Fatal Blowfish
- Fault Dueler
- Faux Hawk
- Fearfighter
- Feathered Boa Constrictor
- Fedora Rat
- Fee-Fi Foe
- Felinethropist
- Feral Hero
- Feral Internet Meme
- Feral Muppet
- Feral Pet Rock
- Feral Rocking Horse
- Ferocita
- Fiction Fairy
- Fiend of a Fiend
- Fiendly Reminder
- Fifth Elephant
- Fight Cub
- Fightaholic
- Fightoplankton
- Fighty Duck
- File Executioner
- Filefry
- Final Frontiersman
- Finger Lickin' Goon
- Finger Puppet Master
- Fire Ent
- Fire Hydra
- Firefox
- Firequacker
- First Impressionist
- First Person Shooter
- Fisherman's Fiend
- Fishin' Chipmunk
- Five o'clock Shadow
- Five-Alarm Friar
- Flagrant Mispeller
- Flame-Ingo
- Flaming Snowman
- Flamingo Dancer
- Flappy Bard
- Flash Gorgon
- Flash Player
- Flashmobster
- Flattering Ram
- Flaw Enforcer
- Flawyer
- Fleasaur
- Floating Eyeball
- Floodgatekeeper
- Floral Wraith
- Florist Gump
- Flowsnake
- Flugelhornet
- Fly-By Knight
- Flying Carpet Bomber
- Flying Saucier
- Flying Skull
- Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Flying Swordfish
- Fnord
- Foever
- Forbidden Fruit Fly
- Forest Grump
- Forget-Me Gnat
- Formaldehydra
- Former Transformer
- Fortune Seller
- Fortune Wookiee
- Foul Fowl
- Fox-In-Socks
- Fractal Elf
- Fractaldactyl
- Fragmatist
- Fragrant Skunk
- Frankenfurter
- Frankintestine
- Free-Range Prisoner
- Freed Radical
- Freelancelot
- Freezard
- Frequent Flayer
- Fridge Magnate
- Fridge Raider
- Friend of a Foe
- Frog of War
- Frogley
- Frognarok
- Front Stabber
- Frost Mite
- Fruit Ninja
- Frying Dutchman
- Fugunia
- Full Metal Jackrabbit
- Full-Metal Arsonist
- Fun Dementalist
- Fund Raider
- Fundead
- Funeral Crasher
- Furinda
- G.I. Foe
- Gallows Humorist
- Game Comptroller
- Game Overlord
- Game-Changing Bug
- Gameplay Mechanic
- Gamma Stingray
- Gandolphin
- Gangsta Raptor
- Gaolkeeper
- Garage Bandit
- Garbage Fairy
- Garden Gnome
- Garlic Elemental
- Gas Giant
- Gastro Gnome
- Gastronaut
- Gazebra
- Gee Wizard
- Geek Mythologist
- Geek Squad
- Gelatinous Cubicle
- Gen Hexer
- Gene Pool Shark
- General Consensus
- General Disappointment
- General Failure
- General Grievance
- Generic Enemy
- Generic Evil-doer
- Genetic Throwback
- Genghis Clam
- Genghis Leprechaun
- Germicidal Maniac
- Geronimoose
- Ghastlighter
- Ghost of Quests Past
- Ghostbusker
- GhostFace
- Ghostrich
- Ghoul Digger
- Ghoul of the Week
- Ghoul Scout
- Ghouled Medalist
- Ghouldilocks
- Ghoulkeeper
- Giant Enemy Crab
- Giant Midget
- Giant-Shaped Windmill
- Giga Byter
- Gingerbeard Man
- Gingerhead Man
- Gladigator
- Glitch Doctor
- Glitchiker
- Global Village Idiot
- Gloominati
- Gloomy Optimist
- Glow-Stickler
- Glowstick Bug
- Gluten Flea
- Gluteus Maximus
- Glutton For Punishment
- Gnomebreaker
- Gnomeland Security Agent
- Gnomewrecker
- Goat Of Arms
- Godbuster
- Godvilla
- Godvillain
- Godville Administrator
- Gold Farmer
- Gold Flinger
- Golden Fish
- Good Gryph
- Google-Eyed Android
- Goon-With-the-Wind
- Gopherwood Termite
- Gordian Gnat
- Gore-to-Gore Salesman
- Gorgella
- Gorgon Zola
- Gorgonella
- Governator
- Grammar Pirate
- Grammar Policeman
- Grammatical Terror
- Grampina
- Grand Theft Automaton
- Grandfather Croc
- Grassassin
- Grassy Gnoll
- Graverubber
- Gravitational Field Mouse
- Gravydigger
- Grayscaled Dragon
- Grease Monkey
- Great Bull of Fire
- Great Caesar's Ghost
- Great Divider
- Great Wight Shark
- Green Fairy
- Green Intern
- Grenade Muncher
- Grill Sergeant
- Grim Creeper
- Grim Leaper
- Grim Reaper
- Grim Weeper
- Grime Lord
- Grimelord
- Grimoire Reaper
- Grizzled Bear
- Groove Robber
- Grounded Hog
- 🦌Gruedolf the Reindeer
- Grupies
- Guard Hog
- Guardian Gnome
- Guerilla Gorilla
- Guest of Horror
- Guest User
- Guidance Chancellor
- Guild Usurper
- Guilt Leader
- Guilty Plesiosaur
- Guitar Hero
- Gummi Bear
- Gummy Wyrm
- Gunboat Diplomat
- Gunwhale
- Gurgly
- Guttersniper
- Habeas Corpse
- Hacked Accountant
- Hackerel
- Hair Elemental
- Hairy Potter
- Hall Minotaur
- Hallucinogenie
- Hamburglar
- Hand-Eye Coordinator
- Hangman's Moose
- Hangoverlord
- Hangry Hippo
- Hanker Chief
- Hanna-Barbarian
- Happy Little Accident
- Hare-Less Rabbit
- Harebrained Schemer
- Haredevil
- Harlem Gnometrotter
- Harmada
- Harming Bird
- Harmster
- Harpoonessa
- Harpoonproof Hydra
- Harpy Medium
- Harrier Pigeon
- Harvester of Sorrow
- Haunted House Cat
- Hawaiian Puncher
- Hawktopus
- Hazmatador
- He-Who-Must-Be-Ashamed
- Headhaunter
- Headless Chicken
- Headless Honcho
- Headless Horsefly
- Headless Hydra
- Headless Oarsman
- Heart Attacker
- Heating Elemental
- Heavenlowerer
- Heavy Machine Gnu
- Heavy Metal Bandit
- Heedless Chicken
- Heffalump
- Heir of Superiority
- Helium Baboon
- Hell Kitty
- Hell Monitor
- Hell's Bell-Ringer
- Hell's Kitten
- Hellaphant
- Hellevangelist
- Hellevator Operator
- Hemogoblin
- Hemophiliac Skeleton
- Hemophobic Vampire
- Henfish
- Henforcer
- Hentaur
- Herbivorous Plant
- Hermetic Crab
- Hermitic Seal
- Heromnivore
- Hexplorer
- Hibernaut
- Hickory Dickory Duck
- Hidden Dragon
- Hidden Valley Rancher
- Higgs Bison
- High Class Clown
- High Horse
- Hindsight Seer
- Hiphopopotamus
- Hippo Crit
- Hired Goon
- Hired Mussel
- Hired Painkiller
- Historacle
- Hit Pointillist
- Hit-and-Walker
- Hoarse Whisperer
- Hobo Sapien
- Hobo-Cop
- Hold-Up Comedian
- Hole Hog
- Holey Cow
- Holey Ghost
- Holy Carp
- Holy Heretic
- Holy Mass Murderer
- Holykeeper
- Homicidal Brainiac
- Honey Mustang
- Horse Majeure
- Horse of Babylon
- Horse With No Shame
- Horseless Headsman
- Hostile Environmentalist
- Hostile NPC
- Hot Air Buffoon
- Hot Cross Bunny
- Hot Dog
- Hound of Music
- Housekeeper of the Dead
- Howler Monk
- Howling Void
- HTMLephant
- Huggernaut
- Hugs Bison
- Human Wrongs Activist
- Humanatee
- Humming Bard
- Humpback Quail
- Humpty Dumpling
- Hunchback of Monsterdam
- Hungry Hungry Hypocrite
- Hunny Bear
- Hydrachondriac
- Hydracula
- Hydrodjinn
- Hyper Lynx
- Hyper Vigilante
- Hyperboa
- Hyperbully
- Hyperventilator
- Hypetrain Conductor
- Hypnogriff
- Hypnopotamus
- Hypnotoad
- Hypocritical Thinker
- Hypodermic Beetle
- Hysteric Cleric
- Hysterical Figure
- Ice Borg
- Ice Cream Clone
- Ice Sage
- Idea Bouncer
- Ideabox Guardian
- Ideabox Rejector
- Ideaboxer
- Identified Flying Object
- Identity Thief
- Igneous Rocker
- Ignobleman
- Igpay Atinlay
- Illeagle
- Illegal Guardian
- Illuminaughty Agent
- Imaginary Threat
- Imbossible
- Immoral Porpoise
- Immunogoblin
- Imp-Personator
- Impaladin
- Impedimentor
- Impenetrable Frog
- Improper Gander
- Imposterior
- Impuritan
- Incendiary Firefly
- Inceptionist
- Incognitoad
- Income Taxidermist
- Incomplete Idio
- Incredible Sulk
- Indecisive Shapeshifter
- Indentured Dentist
- Indeterminator
- Industrial Park Ranger
- Industrial Revolutionary
- Inedible Hulk
- Inept Antelope
- Ineptocrat
- Inevitable Hulk
- Infamouse
- Infernal Auditor
- Infernal Revenue Agent
- Infidel Castro
- Inflatabull
- Info Superhighwayman
- Infrared Mouse
- Infrared Visionary
- Inglourious Basterd
- Inhuman Resources Manager
- Inn Spectre
- Inncreeper
- Inner Child
- Inner Demon
- Innocent Bystander
- Insecurity Guard
- Inside Joker
- Insomni Yak
- Insomni-Yak
- Installation Wizard
- Insufferable Boar
- Insurance Clam
- Interior Desecrator
- Interloping Antelope
- Internet Explorer
- Interragator
- Interrupting Cow
- Intraterrestrial
- Inverted Mouse
- Invisible Pink Unicorn
- Invisigoth
- Ion Maiden
- Iron Chef
- Iron Mermaiden
- Ironclad Chef
- Ironic Giant
- Ironing Man
- Ironyman
- Irrelephant
- Itch King
- Itsy-Bitsy Spider
- Jabberwookie
- Jack Lantern
- Jack the Tripper
- Jack-of-All-Blades
- Jackal-of-All-Trades
- Jackalope
- Jacked Sparrow
- Jägermonster
- Jaguardian
- Jalapeño Pauper
- Janitaur
- Jaw Broker
- Jaywalking Chicken
- Jealous Sidekick
- Jelly Golem
- Jellydancer
- Jerkules
- Jibber-Jabberwocky
- Jitter-Bug
- Jugglernaut
- Juiced Beetled
- Jumping Slider
- Jungle Bookie
- Junk Foodie
- Jurassic Lark
- Juxtaphysician
- Kamelkaze
- Karaoke Bard
- Karate Kitten
- Karate Squid
- Karma Chameleon
- Karmachanic
- Kazookeeper
- Keg-Legged Pirate
- Keyborg
- Keyless Sentry
- Khan Artist
- Khannibal
- Kill Joy
- Killamari
- Killdebeest
- Killer App
- Killer Migraine
- Killer Rabbit
- Killer Tomato
- Killerbyte
- Killissa
- King of Clovers
- King-sized Bedbug
- King Thong
- Kinky Kong
- Kitchen Sphinx
- Kleptobrainiac
- Knee-High Archer
- Knee-Jerk Reactionary
- Knight in Casual Clothes
- Knight in Shining Armoire
- Knight Who Says Ni
- Knighting Gale
- Knightmare
- Knightning Gale
- Knitpicker
- Koalafied Expert
- Kooky Monster
- Kung Fool
- Kung Pow Chicken
- Laardvark
- Labracadabrador
- Labrador Deceiver
- Lady's Knight
- Lag Monster
- Laguna Matata
- Lagviathan
- Lame Duck
- Lampless Genie
- 🦌Lancer the Reindeer
- Lancing Queen
- Land Mime
- Landshark
- LANlord
- Laser Bream
- Laser Mouse
- Last Chancellor
- Last Hairbender
- Last Minuteman
- Last Responder
- Last Straw Man
- Late Knight
- Lava Lamb
- Law Avoiding Citizen
- Lawn Enforcer
- Leader of the Banned
- Leechinda
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Legal Weasel
- Legion-Hare
- Lego Golem
- Legs Dealer
- Lemon Slime
- Lepreclown
- Lesser of Two Weevils
- Lesser Scott
- Lethal Counsel
- Level Boss
- Lexiconnoisseur
- Liar Wolf
- Life Insurance Salesman
- Lifelong Fiend
- Ligerian Prince
- Lightning Colt
- Lightning Dolt
- Lightningale
- Lightsaber-Toothed Tiger
- Like-a-Boss Monster
- Limberjack
- Lip Servant
- Lip Smacker
- Litterbug
- Little Green Man
- Little White Lion
- Live Saturday Knight
- Lizard of Oz
- Llamageddon
- Llamanator
- Loan Ranger
- Loan Shark
- Lobo Cop
- Loch Ness Lobster
- Loch Ness Mobster
- Lode Runner
- Logistical Nightmare
- Lollipop Snatcher
- Lone Rearranger
- Lonely Hive Mind
- Long and Winding Rodent
- Loonicorn
- Loose Changeling
- Loose Shrew
- Lootlicker
- Lord of the Dunce
- Lord of the Keyring
- Lost Action Hero
- Lost Sole
- Lost Spirit Guide
- Lost Viking
- Lounge Lizard
- Love Actuary
- Love Bug
- Low Blowfish
- Low-Flying Ostrich
- Low-Hanging Brute
- Lucifurby
- Lukewarm Receptionist
- Lumbarjack
- Lumber Jackrabbit
- Lunar Pyscho
- Lying King
- MacDeath
- Machiavillain
- Macroorganism
- Macroorgansim
- Mad Hacker
- Mad Scientist
- Madmiral
- Magnifisaint
- Magnum Octopus
- Magnum Opossum
- Mail Escort
- Mailer Daemon
- Main Square Parrot
- Maître Demon
- Major Buzzkill
- Major Disappointment
- Major Problem
- Malchemist
- Malignant Tutor
- Manbearpig
- Manglerfish
- Maniacrobat
- Manufracturer
- Margarine Fly
- Marital Artist
- Marquis de Sad
- Marshal Lawyer
- Mascarpony
- Masqueraider
- Master Chef
- Master of Disaster
- Master of None
- Master of Pun Fu
- Master of Puppies
- Material Ghoul
- Mathemagician
- Mathematical Supermodel
- Mathemortician
- Mathlete
- Maul Cop
- Maul Rat
- Maxwell's Demon
- Meanwhale
- Meat Loafer
- Mechalodon
- Meddler of Honor
- Medieval Knieval
- Mediocrates
- Mediogre
- Medusa's Hairdresser
- Mega Pixel
- Megahurtz
- Megalodonkey
- Megaphony
- Megatribble
- Meh-Warrior
- Melee Archer
- Mental Hygienist
- Menthol Camel
- Merchant of Menace
- Meringutan
- Merit Badger
- Mermalade
- Mermelly
- Metal Slug
- Methylated Spirit
- Methylated Spiritualist
- Metro Gnome
- Microchimp
- Micromanager
- Middle Aged Mutant Turtle
- Midlife Crisis Negotiator
- Mighty Keyboard Warrior
- Milestone Golem
- Milestone Guardian
- Military Mite
- Millennium Bug
- Millennium Falcon
- Mimefish
- Mimic Milestone
- Mind Boggler
- Mindless Consumer
- Mindsweeper
- Mine Sweeper
- Minitaur
- Minor Glitch
- Minotourist
- Mis-Conductor
- Misanthropic Lycanthrope
- Misanthropologist
- Mischieftain
- Misdirector
- Misery Shopper
- Misfortune Teller
- Misguidance Counsellor
- Miss Information
- Missile Blower
- Missing-in-Action Figure
- Mission Creep
- Misspellcaster
- Misunderstood Idealist
- Mitochondragon
- Mixed Reviewer
- Mnemonic Aide
- Mobile Anthill
- Moby Duck
- Mocker Spaniel
- Mockerel
- Mockingnerd
- Mockodile
- Model Major General
- Modest Mouse
- Moist Owlette
- Molar Bear
- Moleosaurus
- Molotov Cockatrice
- Mona Lizard
- Monocled Penguin
- Monophobic Hermit
- Monopony
- Monorail Cat
- Monotonous Drone
- Monster Hangover
- Monster in Training
- Monster of Ceremonies
- Monster of Disguise
- Monster of the Weak
- Monster Superior
- Monster-in-Law
- Monster's Stunt Double
- Monsters' Rights Activist
- Monstrous Appetite
- Monterey Jackal
- Monty Python
- Mood Killer
- Moon Raver
- Moonswine
- Moosenger of Death
- Moosequito
- Morse Whisperer
- Mortal Frienemy
- Mortal Tomcat
- Mortal Wombat
- Mortar Shellfish
- Mosh Pitbull
- Moss Cow
- Motivational Poser
- Motorgoat
- Motor Pike
- Motorcyclops
- Motorgoat
- Mount Dracula
- Mouse Divided
- Mouse of Ill Repute
- Mouseferatu
- Moving Target
- Mudslinger
- Muffin Man
- Multi-Porpoise
- Multi-Tusked Mammoth
- Multidexterous Millipede
- Multifly
- Multimedium
- Multitusker
- Mumble-bee
- Murdersquito
- Murphy's In-Law
- Murphy's Lawmaker
- Music Pirate
- Musketdeer
- Mutating Algorithm
- Mystery Guest
- Nachomancer
- Name-with-no-Horse
- Nanomanager
- Napalm Reader
- Narcoleptic Hypnotist
- Narcoleptic Sheep
- Natural Selector
- Nature's Wraith
- Navi-Gator
- Nayslayer
- Ne'er-do-Whale
- Nearly Departed
- Nearsighted Sniper
- Necessary Evil
- Neck Romancer
- Necromantis
- Necropanzer
- Necrophobic Zombie
- Neferkitty
- Neighborhood Witch
- Nerd of Steel
- Nervous Tick
- Net Troll
- Neuro Sturgeon
- Never-Ending Storyteller
- Nevermind Flayer
- Neverwinter Knight
- Neverwinter Wight
- New Times Roman
- News Flasher
- Next Available Agent
- Niceferatu
- Nicelander
- Nightmarionette
- Nine Inch Snail
- Ninja Pirate
- Ninja Tortoise
- Ninja-Starfish
- Ninjabread Man
- Nipinda
- Nitro Djinn
- No Holds Bard
- No Man's Landlord
- No One
- No-good Do-gooder
- Nobel Prizefighter
- Noble Ghast
- Nobodyguard
- Nomad Hatter
- Nomad Scientist
- Non Sequiturtle
- Non-Euclidean Geomancer
- Non-Terminal Repeating Phantasm
- Nondescript Villain
- Nonplussed Adder
- Northpole Dancer
- Nose Runner
- Nosferatuna
- Nostradamoose
- Not a Big Dealer
- Not Dead Yeti
- Not-of-this-Earth Worm
- Not-So-Brave Knight
- Not-So-Gentleman
- Not-so-Scary Monster
- Notary of Death
- Novel Protagonist
- Nuclear Overreactor
- Nuclear Watchdog
- Nuclear-Powered Plant
- Numbarina
- Nun of Your Business
- Nursery Mime
- Nutjob Cracker
- Nutkraken
- Obituarian
- Obli-Gator
- Oblique Angel
- Obscene Jester
- Obscentinel
- Obsolete Techie
- Obtuse Angler
- OctoBear
- Octopella
- Octopus' Guardian
- Octopuss in Boots
- Oddzilla
- Offense Attorney
- Ogreachiever
- Ogrelord
- Old Town Rogue
- Olfactory Worker
- Olympic Mentalist
- Olympic Torturer
- Omegalodon
- Omnipoet
- Omniscient Ignoramus
- Omnomnomnivore
- On-and-off Guard
- One-and-a-Halfling
- One-Armed Archer
- One-Armed Bandit
- One-Eyed Beholder
- One-Headed Brahmin
- One-Hit Wanderer
- One-Hit Wonder
- One-Legged Centipede
- Onion Ringleader
- Onomatopoet
- Open Sorceror
- Operetta Phantom
- Optical Illusionist
- Optimus Slime
- Optimystic
- Orangutank
- Orc Angel
- Orc Bishop
- Orc De Triomphe
- Orc of the Covenant
- Orc-in-the-Road
- Oreoboros
- Organ Grinder
- Origami Dragon
- Original Impostor
- ORLY Owl
- Orthodontisaur
- Oscillating Fanboy
- Ottoman Umpire
- Out-of-Commissioner
- Out-of-Frame Monster
- Out-of-Service Dog
- Out-of-Shapeshifter
- Out-of-Tuna
- Out-Sorcerer
- Outsourced Monster
- Oval Lord
- Over-seasoned Warrior
- Overbearing Waiter
- Overconfident Noob
- Overtaker
- Oxy-Moron
- Oxydjinn
- Ozone Slayer
- Pac Man
- Pacifist Mercenary
- Pack Rat
- Pail Horseman
- Paladjinn
- Palette-Swapped Monster
- Pandora's Boxer
- Pangoblin
- Panic Attacker
- Pannacotta Warrior
- Panteater
- Panzer Dragon
- Paper Pusher
- Paranoid Android
- Paranormal Activist
- Parasitic Symbiote
- Parking Cricket
- Parole Model
- Parrot Trooper
- Part-Time Monster
- Part-Time Traveller
- Passing Buck
- Passive Aggressor
- Pastafarian Prophet
- Pathological Friar
- Patronizing Saint
- Pawn of the Dead
- Paywalrus
- Peace Corpse
- Peacebreaker
- Peacelock
- Peach Clobberer
- Peanut Butler
- Peekabull
- Peelinda
- Peking Duck
- Pelicannon
- Pentagoon
- Penultimate Samurai
- Pepper Oni
- Perchilla
- Perfect Nobody
- Perfect Stranger
- Periodic Elephant
- Peripheral Terror
- Perishioner
- Permenator
- Personal Beast
- Personal Drainer
- Personal Space Invader
- Perverse Engineer
- Pessimus Prime
- Pest of Both Worlds
- Petrified Dryad
- Pharmadillo
- Philosoraptor
- Phlegm Fatale
- Photobomberman
- Photocopycat
- Photonegative Zebra
- Photoshoplifter
- Pianarchist
- Pickled Egghead
- Pie Assassin
- Piecemaker
- Pied Bagpiper
- Pied Pauper
- Pigasus
- Piggy Banker
- Piggybank Robber
- Pignoramus
- Pilgrim Mage
- Pillage Elder
- Pillager of Society
- Pillow Fighter
- Pillow-Fight Champion
- Pillsbury Homeboy
- Pin-up Ghoul
- Piñakoala
- Piñata Monster
- Pinball Wizard
- Pink Elephant
- Pipe Organ Donor
- Piraña Colada
- Pirate Investigator
- Pirate of the 7 Cs
- Pixel Hunter
- Placeboss
- Plaicea
- Plan Beekeeper
- Plankton of the Opera
- Plant-Based Animal
- Plant-Eating Zombie
- Plastic Sturgeon
- Plato's Caveman
- Playdough Golem
- Player #2
- Plot Spoiler
- Plundertaker
- Plywood Golem
- Pocket Monster
- Pocketwatchdog
- Pokergeist
- Polardroid
- Polaroid Bear
- Police Syren
- Political Party Crasher
- Political Satyr
- Pollen-Allergic Bee
- Poltergoose
- Polterguest
- Poly-Atheist
- Polycorn
- Polygloater
- Possessed Demon
- Possessed Exorcist
- Post-Mortem Artist
- Postal Snail
- Postman of the Apocalypse
- Postmodern Caveman
- Postmonster General
- Postmortem Graduate
- Poulpy
- Poultry Geist
- Power Arranger
- Power Napper
- Powerless Ranger
- Practical Choker
- Praise Spider
- Prancing Pony
- Prankenstein
- Prawn of Satan
- Praying Manatee
- Pre-Mortem Surgeon
- Predatortoise
- Preemptive Shrike
- Prescription Thug
- President Evil
- Presidential Seal
- Presidentist
- Pretzelcoatl
- Prim Reaper
- Prime Sinister
- Prince Charmless
- Prince Harming
- Prince of Dorkness
- Prince of Whales
- Principal of Darkness
- Privacy Leech
- Pro-Life Zombie
- Probability Surfer
- Procrastinator
- Prodigal Sunfish
- Profit Prophet
- Prom Knight
- Propaganda Panda
- Propagandalf
- Prosthetic Arms Dealer
- Protein Sheik
- Proxymoron
- Pseudo Nymph
- Psy Clone
- Psychclops
- Psycho Dramatist
- Psychopathogen
- Psycophant
- Pterrific Pterodactyl
- Public Anemone
- Pumpkinhead
- Pundamentalist
- Pundemonium
- Punfisher
- Pungeon Master
- Punk Croc
- Punk Flamingo
- Punk Panther
- Punslinger
- Pure Eel
- Purple Hero Eater
- Purranha
- Purrfectionist
- Puzzled Sphinx
- Pygmy Giant
- Pyrobrainiac
- Pyromaniac Snowman
- Pyrophobic Phoenix
- Quackamole
- Quackstabber
- Quadriceratops
- Quadruple Agent
- Quaker Guy
- Quantum Butterfly
- Quantum Commuter
- Quantum Leap Frog
- Quantum Physician
- Quantum Sheep
- Quasidodo
- Queen Kong
- Question Marksman
- Queue Snake
- Quibbling Pedant
- Quid Pro Crow
- R2 Detour
- Racketeer Gatekeeper
- Radical Prohibitionist
- Radioactive Cockroach
- Radioactivist
- Raggedy Android
- Raging Bulldozer
- Raging Hormone
- Ragnarokker
- Rain Deer
- Rain-Bow Archer
- Rainbow Unicorn
- Ramen Emperor
- Rampaging Turtle
- Rand Lover
- Randominatrix
- Rastafairy
- Rathing Mome
- Ravenous Bugblatter Beast
- Reaction Figure
- Reader Digester
- Reagent Provocateur
- Reanimated Sprite
- Rebel Without Applause
- Rebel-Lion
- Recapitated Horseman
- Recessive Genie
- Rector Yoda
- Recurring Foe
- Recycled Bottlesnake
- Recycloholic
- Recyclops
- Red Bull
- Red Flagger
- Red Hot Chili Piper
- Red Robin Hood
- Red-Handed Thief
- Redaction Hero
- Redshirt
- Regenerating Degenerate
- Registered Hex Offender
- Registered Text Offender
- Regression Lion
- Rejected Monster
- Rejectionist
- Remorse Coder
- Repelican
- Repercussionist
- Repossessed Soul
- Repulsive Attractor
- Reservoir Dog
- Resident Weevil
- Resubmitted Monster
- Retired Boss Monster
- Retrospectre
- Reverend Bizarre
- Reverse Engineer
- Reverse Psychologist
- Revoltron
- Revolving Dormouse
- Rhinestoneceros
- Rhubarbarian
- Rifle Shrimp
- Rigor Mantis
- Rigorous Mortician
- Ring Wyrm
- Rival Guild Fanboy
- Rivalkyrie
- River Banker
- Road Krill
- Roadgunner
- Roaming Gnome
- Robbed Zombie
- Robber Chicken
- Robber Ducky
- Robbing Hood
- Robbing Hoodlum
- Robo Sapien
- Robot Chicken
- Rock 'n Gnoll
- Rock Lobster
- Rock'em Sock'em Robot
- Rocket Propelled Gremlin
- Rockin' Troll
- Rocktopus
- Rocky Raccoon
- Rocky Roadie
- Roflraptor
- Roger Robot
- Role Reverser
- Rolling Boulder
- Rom-Communist
- Roman Aqua-duck
- Romanticore
- Roof Pig
- Rookie Monster
- Roosterfarian
- Rootbear
- Rootkitten
- Rorschach
- Rottenweiler
- Rough Drafter
- Royal Jellyfish
- Rubber Duckie
- Rug Rat
- Rugskin Bear
- Runestone Cowboy
- Rushing Zergling
- Russian Roulette Croupier
- Rusty Snail
- Sabertooth Fairy
- Sabertooth Squirrel
- Sacrificial Prawn
- Sad Hatter
- Sad Panda
- Sadistick
- Safety Dancer
- Sage of Thyme
- Salamandarin
- Salsamander
- Salt-Resistant Slug
- Salvador Dalek
- Sanctimonious Whiner
- Sandboxer
- Sans Sheriff
- Santa Claws
- Satan Claus
- Satan's Little Helper
- Satanic Colt
- Satanic Mechanic
- Satyrant
- Sawed-off Shogun
- Scare Bear
- Scare Tactician
- Scarecow
- Scared Crow
- Scarepion
- Scaretaker
- Scentaur
- Scentipede
- Schizoid Man
- Schizophrenic Hydra
- Scholarsheep
- Schoolyard Bully
- Schrödinger's Cat
- Schrödinger's Possum
- Sci-Fly
- Scientific Method Actor
- Scorntrooper
- Scotch Guard
- Scowlodon
- Screen Slaver
- Screwfish
- Sea Harpoonia
- Sea Troll
- Seaghoul
- Sealebrity
- Search Engineer
- Seashelly
- Seasick Crocodile
- Seasoned Veterinarian
- Secret Satan
- Secretary of Fate
- Secretary of Offense
- Security Badger
- Security Chimera
- Seeing-Eye Mole
- Seethessa
- Seismimic
- Self-Appointed Expert
- Self-Assassin
- Self-Con Troll
- Self-Fulfilling Prophet
- Self-Made Mannequin
- Self-Sacrificial Lamb
- Self-Terminator
- Selfish Gene
- Selfish Interest
- Selfish Shellfish
- Semanticore
- Semi-Automatic Automaton
- Semi-Demi-God
- Sensei of Humor
- Sentineel
- Septic Tank Commander
- Serafin
- Serial Killer Bee
- Serial Numberer
- Serial Self-Killer
- Serial Therapist
- Sesame Street Fighter
- Seven Year Lich
- Seventh Deadliest Sinner
- Seventh Lawyer of Hell
- Sewer Gator
- Sewer Horse
- Sewer Mermaid
- Shade Thrower
- Shadow of a Doubt
- Shadow Puppet
- Shadow Worrier
- Shaman Kong
- Shamaniac
- Shameless Pug
- Shampoodle
- Sharkietta
- Sharkshooter
- Sharp Dressed Mandrill
- Sheep in a Wolf's Clothes
- Sheepshifter
- Sheepwalker
- Shetland Phony
- Shift-Shaper
- Shipwreckley
- Shishke Blob
- Shock Broker
- Shock Therapist
- Shoe Hornet
- Shoop Da Whoop
- Shooting Tsar
- Shopping Mauler
- Short-Sighted Visionary
- Short-term Prophet
- Shoulder Devil
- Shoving Leopard
- Shrimposter
- Shrimpy
- Shroommate
- Shrunken Headmaster
- Shudderbug
- Shyborg
- Sicklefish
- Sighborg
- Significant Otter
- Silent Alarmist
- Silent Knight
- Silent Lamb
- Silly Goose
- Sillymander
- Sinfluencer
- Singing Shark
- Single Mummy
- Sir Caustic
- Sir Dance-a-Lot
- Sir Render
- Sitcom Pilot
- Sitting Duck
- Sixth Sensei
- Skateborg
- Skelebrity
- Skeletaur
- Skeletoff
- Skeleton Crewmate
- Sketchy Artist
- Skilleton
- Skyote
- Slapprentice
- Sleeping Dead
- Sleepless Hollow
- Sleepwalking Dead
- Slender Man
- Slightly Invisible Man
- Slim Reaper
- Slime Shady
- Slithy Tove
- Slow Wight
- Smackerel
- Smashing Pumpkin
- Smoke Detective
- Smoking Gunslinger
- Smooth Criminal
- Smoothie Operator
- Snake Oil Salesman
- Snap-Dragon
- Snappy Retortoise
- Snarky Sheawolf
- Snarlwhal
- Sneerleader
- Snobgoblin
- Snow Angel
- Snowman
- Soccer Mummy
- Social Parasite
- Social Passivist
- Social Security Guard
- Socialist Butterfly
- Sock Eating Machine
- Sock Elemental
- Sock Puppetmaster
- Socket Wretch
- Software Giant
- Software Pirate
- Solar Bear
- Solar-Powered Owl
- Soldier of Misfortune
- Sole Eater
- Solicitaur
- Son of a Glitch
- Son of a Gun
- Son of a Witch
- Sonarena
- Sooth Slayer
- Sorceopath
- Sore Winner
- Soul Catcher
- Soul Custodian
- Soul Eater
- Soul Farmer
- Soul Inmate
- Soul Matey
- Soul Musician
- Soul Proprietor
- Soul Reaper
- Soul Survivor
- Soul Trapper
- Space Invader
- Space Monkey
- Spag-Yeti
- Spaghetti Elemental
- Spaghetti Westerner
- Spambot
- Spamurai
- Spanish Inquisitor
- Spark Pug
- Special Character
- Spectral Spectre
- Speed Sloth
- Spell-Podcaster
- Spelling Bee
- Spelun King
- Sphinx
- Spice Ghoul
- Spice Worm
- Spider Pig
- Spider Web Designer
- Spinal Columnist
- Spinester
- Spirit of Competition
- Spirit of Halloween
- Spirit of Repossession
- Splitting Hare
- Spoiled Milkman
- Spork-Wielding Lunatic
- Spraying Mantis
- Spring Chicken
- Sputterfly
- Spython
- Spywarewolf
- Square Groot
- Square Parrot
- Squid Pro Quo
- Squiderella
- Squirmisher
- Stag of Holding
- Stalactitan
- Stalking Horse
- Stand-up Chameleon
- Standard Deviant
- Staple Gunner
- Star Shrek
- Star-Crossed Astrologist
- Starantula
- Stare Master
- Starfish Trooper
- Starless Knight
- Starving Artist
- Static Electrician
- Steam-Powered Pleasurebot
- Steamed Punk
- Steel Rat
- Stem Cellmate
- Stereotypical Villain
- Stigmatador
- Stick Figure
- Stomach Bug
- Stoned Golem
- Stool Pigeon
- Stormietta
- Strange Stranger
- Street Fighter
- Street Mage
- Stripeless Zebra
- Stunt Double Agent
- Stuporhero
- Sturgeon General
- Stuttering Mime
- Stuttering Spellcaster
- Stygian Pixie
- Styrofoam Cop
- Subconscientious Objector
- Subhero
- Subliminal Masseuse
- Subliminal Messenger
- Submaretta
- Submarine Star
- Subscribbler
- Substitute Creature
- Subtracting Adder
- Subwoofing Dog
- Sulkworm
- Sulphuric Aphid
- Sumo Ninja
- Sun Dog
- Sun-Dried Vampire
- Sunbathing Vampire
- Sunburned Shadow
- Sunday Driver
- Superb Owl
- Superhighwayman
- Supermanimal
- Supersonic Hedgehog
- Supersonic Woodpecker
- Superstarfish
- Supreme Courtier
- Surprise Mechanic
- Surreal Killer
- Surveillance Chimera
- Surveillance Crone
- Suspended Animator
- Suspicious Character
- Swan Songwriter
- Swearcrow
- Sweaty Yeti
- Sweeny Toad
- Sweepley
- Swiss Army Knight
- Sycophantom
- Synchronized Swindler
- Syntax Terror
- Synthetic Organism
- System Demon
- Table Turner
- Tackle-U Elmo
- Tactical Joker
- Tae Kwon Dodo
- Talking Donkey
- Talkshow Ghost
- Tankfish
- Tap Dancing Spider
- Task Killer
- Task Manager
- Taxi Collector
- Tea Rex
- Team Spirit
- Technical Fowl
- Technicolor Dream Goat
- Technophobic Robot
- Telepony
- Televangelist
- Televisionairy
- Temperamental Elemental
- Tempered Glass Dragon
- Temple Safety Inspector
- Tenacious Bee
- Tentacula
- Tequila Mockingbird
- Teraducktyl
- Terminator T-34
- Terracotta Worrier
- Terror Bull
- Terror Dactyl
- Terror-aki Chicken
- Terrorbyte
- Terrorformer
- Therapriest
- There-Wolf
- Thermonuclear Warlock
- Thesaurus Rex
- Thief of Time
- Thieving Vending Machine
- Thin Client
- Thing From Under the Bed
- Third Party Animal
- Third-Rate Monster
- Thirteenth Apostate
- Thought Policeman
- Three-Eyed Cyclops
- Three-Headed Monkey
- Three-String Samurai
- Thug-of-War
- Thugs Bunny
- Thumb Raider
- Thumb Wrestler
- Thunder Gnat
- Thunder Rat
- Thunderbird
- Thundertaker
- Thwarthog
- Thyme Walker
- Tic Tac Toad
- Ticker Tapir
- Ticking Crocodile
- Tickle Monster
- Tiger Lily
- Time Consumer
- Time Fly
- Tin Foil Cat
- Tinkerhell
- Tiny-Sized Giant
- Tinyfoot
- Tire Iron Lion
- Tireless Spambot
- Titanium Gingerbread Man
- Tofu Golem
- Tomb Boy
- Tombcat
- Tombstone Salesman
- Tongue Twister
- Toothita
- Toothless Vampire
- Top Secretary
- Topiary Golem
- Torrent Leech
- Torture Chamberlain
- Totem Pole Dancer
- Tower Defender
- Toxic Wastrel
- Traffic Clone
- Traffic Crone
- Traffic Siren
- Trained Dummy
- Trans Fat Cat
- Trap Doorman
- Traumagotchi
- Traumaturge
- Treblemaker
- Tree Musketeer
- Trenchgoat
- Trend Settler
- Trespasserby
- Tribble Overlord
- Tribblemaker
- Tribbleshooter
- Triceracop
- Trick-or-Treater
- Trigger Happy Camper
- Triloblight
- Triplomat
- Tripodal Spider
- Trivial Pursuant
- Trojan Horse
- Trojan Piñata
- Troll Booth Attendant
- Tropical Yeti
- Trouble Shooter
- Troubled Sole
- Truth-or-Dare Devil
- Tsarfish
- Tubercolossus
- Tunnel Visionary
- Turmerisk
- Turncoat of Arms
- Turngoat
- Turtle Recall
- Tusk Manager
- Tweedle Demon
- Tweedle Doom
- Tweeting Bird
- Twinkle Tsar
- Two-Handed Swordfish
- Two-Trick Pony
- Typo Demon
- Tyrannosaurus-Ex
- Tyre Ant
- Uberboss
- Ultra Violent Ray
- Ultraviolent Lamb
- Unaccompanied Miner
- Unbearable Grizzly
- Uncanny Valet
- Uncertainty Principal
- Unchangeling
- Unchosen One
- Uncivil Servant
- Uncivillian
- Uncommon Ancestor
- Uncountable Sheep
- Uncredited Extra
- Undead Pixel
- Undead Pixie
- Underbed Monster
- Undercover Elephant
- Undermaker
- Underminer
- Underwear Wolf
- Undie-Taker
- Uneasethesiologist
- Unfamiliar Familiar
- Unfinished Businessman
- Unfinished Monst
- Ungrateful Dead
- Unhappy Camper
- Unholy Mackerel
- Unicorn
- Unicorndog
- Unicow
- Unicycle Gang Member
- Unidentified Caller
- Unintelligent Lifeform
- Union Jackal
- Unknown Artist
- Unknown User
- Unlimited Editor
- Unlucky Leprechaun
- Unmannered Drone
- Unnaturalist
- Unpleasant Dinner Guest
- Unpopped Colonel
- Unprintable Character
- Unreal Estate Agent
- Unregistered Pet
- Unsolicited Adviser
- Unstable Constable
- Unsuitable Suitor
- Unsupported Character
- Untamable Shrew
- Untrainable Dragon
- Unusual Suspect
- Uptown Ghoul
- Uranium Slug
- Urban Druid
- Used Horse Salesman
- User-Friendly Enemy
- Utility Polecat
- Utopianist
- Utter Nonsensei
- Vampiranha
- Vampirate
- Vampire Brat
- Vamplifier
- Vanillain
- Vegan Devourer
- Vegetarian Vulture
- Velcromancer
- Velcrow
- Vengeful Mole
- Venom Moss
- Verbal Assault Specialist
- Vertigoat
- Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Veteran Kamikaze
- Vintage Whiner
- Virtual Enemy
- Virtual Realtor
- Virtual Threat
- Visible Man
- Vital Organist
- Vogon Poet
- Voice of Treason
- Volcanic Roc
- Volunterrier
- Voodoo Barbie
- Voodude
- Vorpal Swordfish
- Vorpal Wabbit
- Vulcanized Robber
- Waking Nightmare
- Wal-Martian
- Walking Dead
- Walking Debt
- Wall Dog
- Wallpaper Tiger
- Walrietta
- Wanna Bee
- Wannabeast
- War Seahorse
- Warchef
- Warlock Holmes
- Warmongrel
- Warrior Of Attrition
- Wasted Youth
- Watertight Seal
- Wax Poet
- Weakest Lynx
- Weather Baboon
- Websurfing Spider
- Wedding Knight
- Well-Oiled Machinist
- Wendidigo
- Were-Panther
- Werebeaver
- Werehouse
- Wererobot
- Weresmurf
- West End Ghoul
- Western Broom Warlock
- Whale of Fortune
- Whambulance Driver
- What's-its-Face
- Whatchamacallit
- Wheredigo
- Whippersnapper
- Whipster
- Whistleblowing Referee
- Who Gnu
- Wi-Fly
- Wicked Glitch of the West
- Wight Watcher
- Wiki Lynx
- Wild Balloon Animal
- Wild Borg
- Wild Fireman
- Wild Guest
- Wild Heir
- Wild Thing
- Wild Wild Pest
- Will-o'-the-Whiskey
- Willy-the-Wasp
- Window Viper
- Windshield Swiper
- Winged Buffalo
- Winking Dead
- Winking Deer
- Wishing Whelk
- Witch Hiker
- Wizaardvark
- Wizard of Flaws
- Wizard of Osmosis
- Wolf in Cheap Clothing
- Wombatant
- Wonton Destroyer
- Wookalar
- Woolverine
- Worcestershire Cat
- Worcestershire Sorcerer
- Worst Person Shooter
- Worthy Opponent
- Wounded Heroes
- Wounder Man
- Wraptor
- Wrecking Bull
- Wrenchfish
- Writer of Wrongs
- Wumpus
- Wurst Nightmare
- Wuss in Boots
- Yakety Yak
- Yakrobat
- Yellow Brick Rogue
- Yellow Snowman
- Yesferatu
- Yoga Bear
- Yorkshire Mammoth
- Zeitghost
- Zodiyak
- ZomBee
- Zombie Snail
- Zombie's Ghost
- Zombo-Wirt
- Zy Goat
Main page: List of Equipment.
- 1-up mushroom
- 128-bit encryption
- 2D glasses
- 8-bit sword
- 8-inch floppy disk
- Abs of steel
- Achilles' heel
- Acid rock
- Acid tongue
- ACME leg-breaking boots
- Ad-blocker
- Adam's costume
- Adamantium dentures
- Adamantium thimble
- Adamantlers
- Admin's tambourine
- Advertising board
- Aegis of absolute protection
- Afterlife preserver
- Albatross necklace
- Alchemist's robe
- Alchy's sword
- Alien spacesuit
- All weather tire
- All-terrain rollerblades
- All-terrain sandals
- All-terrain slippers
- All-thumbs gloves
- Alpha mail
- Amethyst collar
- Amulet of false hope
- Amulet of industrial strength
- Amulet of omni-impotence
- Amulet of refraction
- Amulet of the Coffin Maker
- Anchor tattoos
- Ancient cork
- Ancient CPU
- Angry bird
- Animated shorts
- Ankles of refraction
- Anti-goliath sling
- Anti-lock brakes
- Anti-meteor helmet
- Anti-meteor umbrella
- Anti-missile active cap
- Anti-mosquito hat
- Anti-radiation suit
- Anti-trust suit
- Antibodies
- Antigravity boots
- Antimatter horn
- Antlers helmet
- Apollo's sunshade
- Arctic circle
- Armadillo shield
- Armlets of a labor teacher
- Armlets of misfortune
- Armor geddon
- Armor of Might and Magic
- Armor of night invisibility
- Armor of purity
- Armor of the Fallen Demon
- Armor of the mighty moron
- Armor of the True Chosen One
- Armored door
- Armored dunce cap
- Armored tank top
- Arrowproof kneepads
- Arrowproof vest
- As-you-wishbone
- Asbestos fingers
- Aspen cross
- Asteroid belt
- AT-field
- Athlete's exercise slippers
- Athlete's feet
- Atomic high boots
- Atomizer
- Attachable limbs
- Augmented kevlar vest
- Automatic badaboom
- Automatic slingshot
- Autumn sleeves
- Award robe
- Awkward paws
- Axe of despotism
- Axe of headbanging
- Axe of valor
- Axecalibur
- Axes of evil
- Aye-aye cap
- Backpack with holes
- Bad mood ring
- Bag of runes
- Baking mitt
- Bald fur cap
- Ballpoint pen
- Banana gun
- Banhammer
- Bank vault door
- Bartenderizer
- Basilisk jaw
- Basilisk's ear
- Basilisk's foot
- Basswood shield
- Bast boots of richness
- Bastion shield
- Bat signal
- Bath towel
- Bathrobe
- Bathroom slippers
- Batman's cowl
- Battle dwarf's muffin
- Battle shovel
- Beach sandals
- Beach towel of doom
- Beanie of elusiveness
- Bear arms
- Beard of bees
- Beard of epicness
- Beautiful coral
- Beauty pageant tiara
- Beehive on a stick
- Beer goggles
- Behavior modification stick
- Bell-mouthed gauntlets
- Beret of artistic pretense
- Bi-sickle
- Big bangles
- Big book of self defence
- Big brother hood
- Big pot cover
- Biker's helmet
- Biodegradable armor
- Biological cloak
- Bionic commando's arm
- Bionic eyebrows
- Birthday suit
- Black box recorder
- Black galoshes
- Black light armor
- Blackhawk down jacket
- Blackhawk gown
- Blacksmith's sledgehammer
- Blade of grass
- Blade of infinite dullness
- Blade running shoes
- Blame deflector
- Blasting cap
- Blazing paddles
- Blind faith
- Blindfold of accuracy
- Blindfold of invisibility
- Blindfold of justice
- Block chainmail
- Blood pressure cuffs
- Blue screen of death
- Boatswain's hobnailed boots
- 'Boeing' jet boots
- Bogus Rolex
- Boiler plate mail
- Bonsai tree of knowledge
- Bonus footage
- Boom boxers
- Boomerang sock
- Boomstick
- Booster pack
- Boots of all evil
- Boots of depleted uranium
- Boots of Eternal Fatigue
- Boots of extraordinary charisma
- Boots of hastiness
- Boots of hasty retreat
- Boots of outrageous toughness
- Boots of procrastination
- Boots of resistance
- Boots of righteous indignation
- Boots of riverdancing
- Boots of scorched earth policy
- Boots of sprained ankles
- Boots of vulnerability
- Bossypants
- Bottled up emotions
- Bottom armor
- Boxing gloves
- Bracers of embracing
- Brain freeze ray
- Brainstorming helmet
- Braveman's quilted coat
- Breathing mask
- Breeches of etiquette
- Broken mirror
- Broken promise ring
- Broken washing tub
- Broomstick
- Bubble wrap breastplate
- Bucket of sensory deprivation
- Budget cutter
- Bull-shield
- Bull's eye
- Bull's horn
- Bulletproof monk
- Bulletproof T-shirt
- Bullyproof vest
- Bunny suit
- Bunny-ear slippers
- Burning gloves
- Burning shield
- Butcher's axe
- Camel hair mittens
- Camouflaged cloak
- Can of WMD-40
- Canvas gloves
- Cap with IR-sight
- Cape of Adena's sorrow
- Cape of impunity
- Captain's log
- Captured flag
- Car door
- Carbon fiber sword of idiocy
- Cardboard box
- Cardinal shins
- Cardinal's cape
- Carnival mask
- Carrot on a stick
- Cascading style shield
- Cash cowl
- Cast iron panama hat
- Cast iron shield
- Cattlepult
- Cavalryman's bracers
- Cement shoes
- 'Censored' bar
- Centipede's jogging boots
- Central parka
- Ceremonial cap
- Chain e-mail
- Chain-letter mail
- Chain-mail yarmulke
- Chainmail snuggie
- Chainsaw of dismemberment
- Chainsaw of events
- Chakra of Kahn
- Chameleon socks
- Chaplet of destiny
- Chariot wheel hubcap
- Cheat sheet
- Chemical protection suit
- Chicken leg
- Chicken suit
- Chinese finger trap
- Chitinous armor
- Choke collar
- Chopstick
- Christmas stockings
- Chrome dome
- Clairvoyant's third eye
- Clasp of the titans
- Class action suit
- Clawed glove
- Clever clogs
- Cloak of artificial modesty
- Cloak of cloaking
- Cloak of daggers
- Cloak of permissiveness
- Cloak of visibility
- Clogs of stealth
- Close-contact lenses
- Club of aces
- Club of people's wrath
- Coarse gloves
- Coat of honor
- Cobra's venomous tooth
- Cocked hat
- Cocktail umbrella
- Coconut bra
- Coffee table top
- Coffin lid
- Cold shoulder pads
- Cold shoulderpads
- Collar of duty
- Colossal blunderbuss
- Comb-over
- Combo breaker
- Comfort zone
- Communication barrier
- Compass of misdirection
- Compound bow tie
- Concrete boots of agility
- Conquistador's cuirass
- Conscript's coat
- Containment breeches
- Content filter
- Contra band
- Convertible hood
- Cook's cap
- Cool crystal
- Cool sunglasses
- Coping mechanism
- Corduroy ninja outfit
- Counter offer
- Cover of darkness
- Cow bell
- Cowboy's lariat
- Crime ring
- Croaking device
- Crosshairs
- Crown molding
- Crypto-mining helmet
- Crystal armor
- Crystal diadem
- Crystal heart
- Crystal shield
- Cthulhu's tentacle
- Cubic feet
- Cup of woe
- Cupboard door
- Curmudgeon bludgeon
- Cursed lucky charm
- Custom skin
- Cutsome slacks
- Cutting edge technology
- Cutting-edge weapon
- Daisy chainmail
- Dark matter hat
- Darksaber
- Darth waders
- Data miner's headlamp
- Data mining headlamp
- Data spike
- Dead poets club
- Deadly shins
- Death note
- Death rattle
- Death-perception goggles
- Death's door
- Death's sickle
- Deck of Tarot cards
- Decoder ring
- Decorative moose antlers
- Deely boppers
- Deep-sea waders
- Deer hunter's boots
- Defence attorney
- Deja view glasses
- Demagoggles
- Demolition derby
- Demon's heart
- Depression socks
- Derby hat
- Detachable tentacles
- Diamond duster
- Dice of doom
- Dielectric boots of Zeus
- Dielectric overshoes
- Diet cloak
- Dignity shredder
- Dimensionless gloves
- Diplomatic immunity
- Dirty sketchers
- Dis-organizer
- Disbelief suspenders
- Dishonorary degree
- Disposable thumbs
- Distributor cap
- Disturban
- Diver's flippers
- Do-not-touch screen
- Document folder
- Domino
- Donkey head mask
- Doomerang
- Double eye patch
- Double eye-patch
- Double peglegs
- Dragon ball
- Dragon eggshell
- Dragon scale pajamas
- Dragon skin jacket
- Dragon's claw
- Dragon's molar
- Dragon's wisdom tooth
- Dragonscale stockings
- Dramatic paws
- Drapes of wrath
- Dreadlocks
- Dress rehearsal
- Dried fish
- Drunkard's liver
- Duct tape bracers
- Duel-purpose gloves
- Durable shield
- Dwarf bread
- Dwarven cap
- Dwarven ceremonial bracers
- Dwarven crossbow
- Dwarven cuffs
- Ear trumpet
- Early warning system
- Earmuffs of selective deafness
- Earmuffs of solitude
- Ears necklace
- Earthworm Jim's boots
- Easy button
- Echo chamber
- Edward's scissorhands
- Egg-carton armor
- Electric heel
- Electronic countermeasures
- Elephant's ear
- Eleven-gallon hat
- Elven bludgeon
- Elven jackboots
- Emergency contact lenses
- Emergency kilt
- Emotional wall
- Emperor's new cloth
- Emperor's new clothes
- Empty pumpkin
- Encyclopædia of useless knowledge
- Endor-fins
- Engagement wings
- Enragement ring
- Entry stamp
- Epic beard
- Epic flail
- Epic scale
- Escape root
- Ethereal shield
- Exacto knife
- 'Evil rulez!' badge
- Excaliper
- Executioner's hood
- Executioner's mask
- Exfoliating face mask
- Exhaust muffler
- Existential dreadlocks
- Experience cap
- Extra chromosome
- Extra large sword of compensation
- Extra set of hands
- Extra-large domino
- Eye of the liger
- Eye tunes
- Eyepatch of the tiger
- Fabric of society
- Face paint
- Face plant
- Facehugger
- Fairy's battle axe
- Fake ID
- Fallen Angel's battle bracers
- Fan-mail
- Fancy monocle
- Faraday cage
- Farcefield
- Feet of strength
- Fiber of being
- Fig leaf
- Filibuster
- Finger puppets
- Fingertrap
- Finishing bow
- Fire arms
- Fire icicle
- Firewall
- Firewallet
- Firmly held belief
- First class mail
- Fish scale armor
- Fisherman's boots
- Fistful of dollars
- Fisti-cuffs
- Fists of fury
- Fitness trackers
- Flail of the century
- Flea collar
- Floaties
- Foam finger of doom
- Folding chair
- Folding cup
- Footman's battle greaves
- Footnote²
- Fork of truth
- Four-fingered gauntlets
- Four-leaf burdock
- Four-leafed cleaver
- Four-loaf cleaver
- Fourth wall
- Fox gloves
- Fractal slacks
- Frame of mind
- Freudian slippers
- Friendship bracelet
- Frock of birds
- Frosty gauntlets of fire
- Frosty shield
- 'Frozen foot' fur boots
- Full blast shield
- Full metal jacket
- Full metal trousers
- Funny bone
- Futility kilt
- Fuzzy dice
- Gadget arms
- Gaming platforms
- Garden shears
- Garlic necklace
- Gatekeeper's halberd
- Gentleman's club
- Gentleman's jacket
- Gentleman's top hat
- Giant foam finger
- Giant wasp stinger
- Gladiator's net
- Glamorous chest armor
- Glass necklace
- Glossy black helmet with gas mask
- Gloves of ambidexterity
- Gloves of eternal damnation
- Gloves of stranglehold
- Glow bracelets
- Goblet of fire
- God tags
- Godspeedometer
- Godtag
- Godville citizen's badge
- Godzilla's tooth
- Goggles of holy vision
- Going-going gauntlets
- Gold-plated glamour shield
- Golden calf
- Golden fingers
- Golden horseshoes
- Goldfingers
- Good offense
- Goose bumps
- Gorgon's head
- Grandma's handmade sweater
- Grappling hooks
- Grater of two evils
- Gravestone
- Gravitational pullover
- Gravity multiplier
- Great barrier wreath
- Great maul of fire
- Greaves of bodily harm
- Greaves of grievance
- Greaves of the Unholy Paladin
- Greaves of wrath
- Green card
- Green lantern
- Green sleeves
- Green thumb
- Ground pounders
- Guild crest
- Guy Fawkes mask
- Gypsy's wristlets
- Habit kickers
- Hair curlers
- Half-brick in a sock
- Hall pass
- Halo of a fallen angel
- Ham fists
- Handcuffs of strength
- Hands of jazziness
- Hands-free gloves
- Happy feet
- Happy new ear
- Hardened mittens
- Hazmat suit
- Health insurance card
- Healthbar retractor
- Heart of darkness
- Heartbeat inhibitor
- Heartbreaker
- Heated armor
- Heavy gauntlets of war
- Heavy metal band
- Hefty sword
- Hellbottoms
- Hellboy's cuff
- Hellevator shoes
- Hellfire boots
- Helm of clear thoughts
- Helm of common sense
- Helm of despair
- Helm of overwhelm
- Helm of perpetual ineptitude
- Helm of second thoughts
- Helm of unparalleled density
- Helmet of thickheadedness
- Helmet with twisted horns
- Hermes' training sneakers
- Hero's clothes
- Hex dispenser
- Hide of a seeker
- High-security blanket
- Highly-absorbant pants
- Hitchhiker's towel
- Hive mind
- Hobbit's hammer
- Hobo mittens
- Hockey mask
- Holed Boots of Reliability
- Holy bolt
- Holy crap
- Holy grenade launcher
- Holy halo
- Holy hole
- Holy sock
- Holy straitjacket
- Holy water pistol
- Holy water wings
- Homespun coat
- Honest Abe's top hat
- Hood of an insane monk
- Hopeless diamond
- Horns of a dilemma
- Horns of plenty
- Hospital bedpans
- Hospital gown
- Hovering life bar
- Hugs-and-cuisses
- Humming beard
- Hunk of burning love
- Hurri-cane
- Hurt locket
- Hydralisk's claw
- Hydroelectric power pants
- Hyper cufflinks
- Icarus rockets
- Icarus wings
- Ice pack
- Ice shield
- Icebreaker
- Icethrower
- Impact bracers
- Impermeable membrane
- Imposter's cloak
- Impure thoughts
- Incognito mode
- Indemnity claws
- Independent thought alarm
- Indie-pendant
- Industrial military complexion
- Infernal racket
- Infidelity gauntlet
- Inflammable hot pants
- Inflatable decoy hero
- Inflatable water wings
- Inquisitor's boots
- Insanity plea
- Integral of mass destruction
- Interscepter
- Invisible hand of the market
- Invisible mask
- Invisible pants
- Ion fists
- Iron crown
- Iron curtain
- Iron fist
- Iron fist in a velvet glove
- Iron hat
- Iron lattice
- Iron mask
- Irresistible force field
- Jackboots of asskickery
- Jailhouse rock
- Jar of sunlight
- Jaws of life
- Jedi's light saber
- Jingle belt
- Joy buzzer
- Kaboomerang
- Kamikaze's cap
- Karma police badge
- Kevlar battle socks
- Kevlar greaves
- Kevlar opera gloves
- Kevlar trousers
- Kevlar vest
- Kickaxe
- Kilt of a thousand drafts
- Kilt of mooning
- Kitchen apron
- Knee-hi flip-flops
- Knee-high socks of luck
- Knickerbockers of glory
- Knotty stick
- Kryptonite earrings
- Kryptonite sword
- Lampshade of enlightenment
- Landing gear
- Language barrier
- Large dartboard
- Larry's suit of leisure
- Laser hammer
- Last place ribbon
- Last shred of dignity
- Latex catsuit
- Laughing stockings
- Lawn darts
- Lawsuit
- Layer of dirt
- Lead apron
- Lead chastity belt
- Lead earrings
- Lead gloves
- Lead hat
- Lead shield
- Leaded snowshoes
- Leap-of-faith boots
- Leather cowboy boots
- Lederhosen of redemption
- Legal briefs
- Legionnaire's jackboot
- Lego shield
- Lego sword
- Lei of the land
- Leviathong
- Life insurance
- Life saver
- Life socks
- Life vest
- Lightning belt
- Lightning bolt cutter
- Lightning shield
- Lightsaber nunchucks
- Lightspeed sneakers
- Lightweight jacket
- Lion's mane
- Liquid crystal breastplate
- Liver warmer
- Loading screen
- Loincloth of revelation
- LOLympic torch
- Long johns
- Love shackles
- Low level hero
- Lucha libre mask
- Lucifer's sneakers
- Lucifur coat
- Lucky bitcoin
- Lucky blanket
- Lucky horseshoe
- Lucky loop
- Lucky star
- Lucky stone slab
- Lumberjacket
- Macaroni necklace
- Mace of amnesia
- Mace of spades
- Machine-washable plate mail
- Mad scientist's goggles
- Magic ankle bracelet
- Magic hoof
- Magic mirror
- Magic stone slippers
- Magnetic charm
- Magnetic field
- Maiden's battle vest
- Mallet of understanding
- Mammoth's lucky foot
- Manacles of freedom
- Manitou's moccasins
- Mantle of Mantis
- Mantle of Wasteland's ruler
- Mask of a rabbit
- Masque of the red death
- Massive ego
- Master Chief's helmet
- Matador's cape
- Matching socks
- Meat loafers
- Meat shield
- Medal of horror
- Medical gloves
- Mega-Soaker 2000
- Membrain
- Meme blocker
- Mental defense
- Mermaid flipper
- Metal bikini
- Metal deflector
- Mickey Mouse's gloves
- Micro kilt
- Microwave gun
- Middle aegis
- Mighty Berserker's T-shirt
- Military boots
- Military dress shoes
- Milk moustache
- Milk tooth of Lao Tzu
- Millennium falchion
- Mind blower
- Miner's canary
- Minotaur's hooves
- Mirrored helmet
- Mirthful gas mask
- Mission briefs
- Misspelled tattoo
- Mithril braces
- Mithril gas mask
- Mithril pendant
- Mithril sneakers
- 'Mitrollica' wristlets
- Mittens of total weakness
- Molecular disruptor
- Moleskin jodhpurs
- Monomolecular bandana
- Monster masher
- Monster-allergy bracelet
- Moon walkers
- Moonglasses
- Moral support socks
- Morgue slab
- Morse-code dice
- Mortal coil
- Motion-capture dots
- Mourning star
- Moustache handlebars
- Mud coating
- Mummy wraps
- Mummy's arm
- Muscle sleeves
- Musketeer's cloak
- Naked gun
- Navigator's head
- Necklace of grasshopper's eyes
- Necromancer's graveclothes
- Neighborhood watch
- Nekomimi
- Neon nimbus
- Nerd's glasses
- Nerf cannon
- Night vision sunglasses
- Night watch
- Nightshirt
- Ninja turtle shell
- Ninjammies
- Ninth circlet of hell
- 'No Trespassing' sign
- Nobleman's flail
- Nobleman's shoes
- Non-disclosure agreement
- Non-stop watch
- Noodly appendages
- North Poleaxe
- Not-so-smart watch
- Not-to-scale mail
- Nuclear power pants
- Nuclear waistcoat
- Nuclear winter jacket
- Nuclear-powered boots
- Null pointer
- Nunchuckle
- Nutcracker suit
- Nuts and bolts
- Ocarina of time
- Odin's beard
- Off-the-cufflinks
- Offcuts of a five-inch pipe
- Offensive flag
- Ogre's saucer
- Ogre's toothpick
- Oktoberfists
- Oktobervest
- Old barrel
- Old felt boots
- Old hubcap
- Old leather gloves
- Old nasal bone
- Old sandals
- One-sided coin
- Orange hood
- Orange quilted jacket
- Orb of Incremental Idiocy
- Orbital sander
- Orc's nose ring
- Organ donor card
- Origami armor
- Orion's belt
- Osmium hammer
- Ostrich's tooth
- Other cheek
- Out-of-phaser
- Out-of-tunic
- Overclocked wristwatch
- Oversized shoulder guard
- Pachelbel's cannon
- Paci-Fist
- Pair of brass balls
- Pair of cool sunglasses
- Pair of Enterprise crewmember's gloves
- Pair of kickboxers
- Pair of loudsneakers
- Pair of monocles
- Pair of surgical gloves
- Pair of winged sandals
- Paladin's bracers
- Palm oil
- Palm readers
- Pan lid
- Pandana
- Pandora's boxers
- Pantaloons of fury
- Pants o' mimes
- Pants on fire
- Paper file
- Paper forage-cap
- Paper machete
- Paper shield
- Parasox
- Passion flute
- Peace pipe
- Peasant's best shoes
- Peasant's sickle
- Pegasus feathers
- Pendant of immorality
- Penguin's armor
- Perfect alibi
- Personal-space bubble
- Phlegm thrower
- Picture of home village
- Pièce de résistance
- Piece maker
- Piece of strontium
- Piece of tank armor
- Pig wings
- Pile of quarks
- Pine tree air freshener
- Pink furry handcuffs
- Pink leggings
- Pink slip
- Pipboy 2000
- Pipboy 3000
- Pipboy 4000
- Pipe spanner
- Pirate's eye patch
- Pirate's hook
- Pixie's shoes
- Placebow
- Planetary rings
- Plaster cast
- Plastic hammer
- Plastic plate
- Plastic riot shield
- Plastic shield
- Plate-mail flip flops
- Platformer shoes
- Platinum platter
- Platonic armor
- Plausible deniability
- Plothole cover
- Plumber's plunger
- Plumsoles
- Pocket dodecahedron
- Pocket imp
- Pocket protector
- Point-and-shoot sword
- Pointy stick
- Poker face
- Poker mace
- Polar ice cap
- Political correctness
- Pop up blocker
- Popeye forearms
- Portrait of the president
- Potato gun
- Power gloves
- Power ranger's armor
- Pre-socked sandals
- Prenuptial agreement
- Priority mail
- Prisoner's handcuffs
- Privacy screen
- Protective custody
- Protective pentagram
- Proxy protection
- Psychological defense mechanism
- Psychotic brakes
- Puffy pirate sleeves
- Punchline gloves
- Punk's wristlets
- Purity rings
- Purse of squandering
- Pythagorean pants
- Quadripolar magnet
- Quantum barrier
- Quasidevil's horns
- Questionable content filter
- Quicksandals
- Raccoon's leg
- Radioactive slippers
- Rain bow
- Raincoat
- Rake
- Ram helmet
- Rambow
- Random axe of kindness
- Random innocent bystander
- Rangers' high boots
- Rapping sword
- Reality distortion shield
- Receding hairline
- Red crowbar
- Red hat
- Red riding hood
- Red rose
- Red shirt
- Red shoes
- Reindeer skin
- Repentagram
- Reservoir clogs
- Responsibility deflector
- Restraining order
- Reversible Mobius jacket
- Rhinoculars
- Ridiculous-o-meter
- Ridiculously large sword
- Ring of fire
- Ring of opacity
- Ring of the lords
- Ring of visibility
- Rings of the lord
- Road block
- Robbin' hood
- Robe of battle meditation
- Robin's hood
- Robot devil's hands
- Roc's feather
- Rock launcher
- Rock of aegis
- Rock-immune scissors
- Rocket skates
- Rockstar's leather jacket
- Roll cage
- Rolled-up sleeves
- Rotator cuffs
- Rubber gloves
- Rubber highboots
- Rule breaker
- Runic bracers
- Runic tunic
- Running joke
- Rusty colander
- Rusty crowbar
- Rusty metal boots
- Sacrificial limb
- Sacrificial vestment
- Saint's frock
- Sandals of time
- Santa's claws
- Sapient pearwood club
- Sarcastic personality
- Sawed-off sword
- Schrödinger's catapult
- Scorpion pincers
- Scream-cancelling headphones
- Scuba diving suit
- Sea saw
- Sea's cape
- Seat-back
- Seaweed wrap
- Secondhand glove
- Security blanket
- Security breeches
- Security gourd
- Security question
- Self-cutting axe
- Self-portrait
- Self-propelled battering ram
- Self-propelled boots
- Sense of impending doom
- Sequined mankini
- Server patch
- Set of lightsaber nunchucks
- Set of ten thimbles
- Set of thimbles
- Seven veils
- Seven-league boots
- Seven-sided nut
- Sewer manhole cover
- Shadow boxing gloves
- Shadow puppet
- Shaman's drum
- Shamethrower
- Shamrock of ages
- Shard of death metal
- Sharp stick
- Sharp tongue
- Sharpest tool in the box
- Shaving sword
- Sheep's clothing
- Shell of a giant crab
- Sheriff's badge
- Shield of a thousand battles
- Shield of dreams
- Shield of Heaven's Protector
- Shield of invincibility
- Shield of offense
- Shield of Seven Rainbows
- Shield of the Fallen Angel
- Shield of the SWAT King
- Shield of utter stupidity
- Shining armor of darkness
- Shiny metal axe
- Shock absorber
- 'Shoulder angel and devil' set
- Shoulder parrot
- Shoulders of fortune
- Shroud of clarity
- Shroud of mystery
- Shroud of uncertainty
- Shrunken head of state
- Side of a barn
- Siege helmet
- Siegehammer
- Signed plaster cast
- Silver cross
- Silver lining
- Silver surfboard
- Silver tongue
- Single-pronged trident
- Situational blinders
- Six fingered gloves
- Six pack body paint
- Sixth sensor
- Skeleton's greaves
- Ski boots
- Ski cap
- Skin of a giant mantis
- Skinny dipping suit
- Skull mask
- Skullcrusher
- Slate mail armour
- Slaughter-proof jacket
- Slay bell
- Slay-tex gloves
- Sleeveless straight jacket
- Slice of moon
- Sling of outrageous fortune
- Sliver of hope
- Small town charm
- Small twig
- Smarty pants
- Smell of success
- Smilestone
- Smoke and mirrors
- Smoking pun
- Smug self-righteous attitude
- Smurf hat
- Snail mail
- Sneakers of suspicion
- Snooze button
- Snorkel mask
- Sock puppets
- Socks and sandals
- Socks of thunder
- Solar disc
- Solar flares
- Solar ice cap
- Solar wind chimes
- Solar windbreaker
- Sole protector
- Solid lead life preserver
- Solid Snake's bandana
- Sonic boomerang
- Sorcerer's scone
- Soulstone
- Sound barrier
- Spacemarine's battle armor
- Spaceship trooper's gauntlets
- Spam filter
- Spam grenade
- Spare rib
- Spatula of mightiness
- Speedo of light
- Sphere of destiny
- Spiderman's suit
- Spiderweb tunic
- Spiked collar
- Spiked leather jacket
- Spiked-wheel roller blades
- Spine tingler
- Spiral galaxy arm
- Spurs of the moment
- Staff of a fortune-teller
- Staff-only staff
- Stage hands
- Stalactights
- Star-spangled shirt
- Starched cuffs
- Static field
- Steam-powered exoskeleton
- Steam-powered hammer
- Steel wool mittens
- Steelettos
- Steelmaker's gauntlets
- Stiff upper lip
- Storm umbrella
- Strange attractor
- Strap with a star
- Strapless sandals
- Stratospear
- Street gang leader's sneakers
- String of nut beads
- String theory bikini
- Strong letter of recommendation
- Strong staff
- Strong sunblock
- Stunned turtle
- Stunt double
- Stuntman's helmet
- Subnet mask
- Suicide watch
- Suit of l'amour
- Sumo suit
- Super visor
- Superhero's leotard
- Superhero's unitard
- Surge protector
- Surgical gloves
- Surround sneakers
- Survival kilt
- Suspenders of disbelief
- Swamp waders
- Sword of a Thousand Truths
- Sword of irony
- Sword of overcompensation
- Sword processor
- Swordfish
- Swordfish's nose
- Sysadmin's sweater
- System reboots
- System specs
- T-shirt tuxedo
- T-shorts
- Table knife
- Table-leg
- Tail of a ball-mouse
- Tainted glove
- Talisman of Complete Uselessness
- Talking skull
- Tanker's helmet
- Tarot deck shoes
- Tattle tail
- Tearjerker
- Technicolor dreamcoat
- Technobauble
- Tectonic plate mail
- Temporary tattoo
- Tentacled pentacle
- Tesla chainmail
- Tesla coil gun
- Textolite shield
- The Doomerang
- The Mask
- The Schwartz
- Theme parka
- Thinking cap
- Third eye monocle
- Third-time charm
- Thor's jackhammer
- Three-piece swimsuit
- Three-sided die
- Three-way tie
- Throwing iron
- Thrown down gauntlets
- Thunder-proof underwear
- Thunderwear
- Tiberium ring
- Tic tac toes
- Tickling gun
- Tights of immodesty
- Tiki idol
- Tin can
- Tin foil hat
- Tin shield
- Tinky-Winky's mittens
- Titan's boots
- Titanium nightgown
- Toe trucks
- Toilet seat cover
- Tortoise shell
- Touchy feelers
- Tough Spartan shield
- Tour de forcefield
- Traffic cone
- Traffic jammies
- Tramp's shoes
- Transmogrifier gun
- Trapper keeper
- Trenchant obtusenator of boorishness
- Trenchcoat of arms
- Tribble toupee
- Trident of wet power
- Trigger fingers
- Trollface
- Tropical punch
- Trousers of impudence
- True glove
- Trump card
- Truncheon of diplomacy
- Trustier bustier
- Tunnel vision
- Turncoat
- Turtleneck plate mail
- Two turtle gloves
- Two-handled chopper
- Two-sworded hand
- Two-toed socks
- Two-way mirror shades
- Ugly holiday sweater
- Ultimate arm equipment
- Ultimate defense mechanism
- Ultimate shield of darkness
- Ultimate weapon
- Unconscious armadillo
- Undead Paladin's shield
- Unflippable coin
- Unicorn hunting license
- Unicorn's horn
- Unidentified fighting object
- Universal remote
- Unlicensed nuclear accelerator
- Unlike button
- Unrequited gloves
- Untuned bagpipes
- Uranium walking stick
- Utility kilt
- Vacuum cleaver
- Vacuum pack
- Van Allen Belt
- Vanity mirror
- Veil of tears
- Velcro-fastened armor
- Verbal reflector
- Vest of both worlds
- Veteran's puttees
- Vibranium vambraces
- Viking's helmet
- Villainous moustache
- Vital sign
- Volcanic sash
- Voodoo doll
- Vorpal sword
- Vortex cannon
- VR-mask
- Vuvuzela of annoyance
- Waders of The Lost Ark
- Waist of space
- Waist of thyme
- WALL-E's tracks
- Warm embracelets
- Warpspeedos
- Wasteland Traveler's high boots
- Water balloon launcher
- Weapon of less destruction
- Weapon of mass distraction
- Web of lies
- Web shooters
- Wedding ring
- Weevil costume
- Welder's protective screen
- Welding dress
- Wheel of time
- Whippersnapper
- Whiskered matryoshka
- Whistle blower
- White flag
- White slippers
- Whoop-axe
- Widder-shins
- Widow's blue stockings
- Wiffle ball-and-chain
- Wig of insufferable pomposity
- Wild boar's snout
- Wimple
- Wind turban
- Window shutter
- Wings of unflappability
- Wooden pitchfork
- Wooden planks with springs
- Wooden wings
- Wool legwarmers
- Worn-out slippers
- Wreath of daisies
- Wrist dreamcatcher
- Wristlets of bad luck
- Writer's block
- Wunderwaffle
- X-ray glasses
- XXL sword
- Yellow polka dot bikini
- Yellow raincoat
- Yellow-brick robe
- Yeti slippers
- Yin-yang earrings
- Zirconium bracelet
- Zombieskin overcoat
Main page: List of Skills.
- Acid tears
- Asynchronous swimming
- Auto-stopping
- Awkward silence
- Baby surprise
- Backyard portal
- Bad breath
- Battle chess
- Beer belly
- Bending chakras
- Bloody itch
- Brain dilution
- Brainstorm
- Brownian motion
- Cash whistle
- Chakra bending
- Cheshire smile
- Clinical strike
- Cobweb gulp
- Concrete placer
- Contagious yawning
- Cri de coeur
- Cry of horror
- Deafening snore
- Death by snu-snu
- Disarming smile
- Dove of peace
- Dragon pout
- Drunken rampage
- Effect of the groundhog
- Elbow bite
- Electro-broom
- Electrostatic discharge
- Epitaph writing
- Exhaust of the dragon
- Explosive character
- Eye scream
- Fake smile
- Falcon punch
- Fanned fingers
- Flying bird
- Foot massage
- Forced generosity
- Frost bite
- Full throttle
- Garlic aura of alienation
- Geometric laughter
- Glance of Kaa
- Golden vein
- Grace of the behemoth
- Heel grip
- Hey, you
- Homesickness
- Inept singing
- Instant evil eye
- Instant hairloss
- Intimate tickling
- Iron vortex
- Kiss in the stomach
- Knight's move
- Liana-eyebrows
- Lion belch
- Lossy compression
- Lucky hoof
- Mass effect
- Mating contact
- Mega-bite
- Menacing glance
- Mosquito roar
- Mountain moving
- Navel clamp
- Oak cloaking
- Opacity control
- Palm of the panda
- Pathological honesty
- Peace enforcement
- Peek-a-boo
- Pocket hypnotoad
- Poisoned kiss
- Portal to the backyard
- Powerful sneeze
- Pseudopod attack
- Quantum fireball
- Quantum leap
- Radiokinesis
- Radioportation
- Rail-bending
- Rays of love
- Relatively honest robbery
- Rickrolling
- Save-load
- Scissorhands
- Seasickness
- Self-cloning
- Self-propelled feet
- Selfish interest
- Shiny heels
- Slap of the whale
- Smack of the bribe
- Sober view
- Somersault squatting
- Somersault through the navel
- Splinter removal
- Spontaneous combustion
- Spoon-bending
- Steel finger
- Sticky fingers
- Stifling embrace
- Street magic
- Strike of the rabbit
- Strong brow
- Sunstroke
- Swear-o-matic
- Swoop of the smith
- Sword-swallowing
- Teeth gnashing
- Thumb beating
- Thumb blowing
- Tin throat
- Toe-bite
- Tooth sampling
- Turn of Rincewind
- Unbearable boredom
- Win on points
- Winged swing
Main page: Category:Geography.
- All Inn
- Anville
- At the Dragon
- B-Trees Forest
- Bad Gateway
- Balsamic Cheese Inn
- Bat Cave
- Bat Country
- Beer Bay
- Beerburgh
- Blood-Curdling Stream
- Boatmurdered
- Bosswell
- Brain Slugs Farm
- Brokeback Knoll
- Bumchester
- Caravanserai
- Cave of Dwarves Glory
- Cave of the Weak-Witted Oracle
- Chosen One's Graveyard
- Cliff of The Lonely Hero
- Cliff of Unrequited Love
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind Hill
- Desert of Former Alkies
- Dessertown
- Deville
- Dogville
- Dunquestin
- Egopolis
- El Herado
- Forgotten Woods
- Ghost Town
- Godville
- Godvillewood
- Healiopolis
- Heisenburg
- Hell's Kitchen
- Here There Be Flagons
- Herolympus
- Herostan
- Herowin
- Hot Sauce Springs
- Khaki-colored Dragon
- Lake of Maiden's Tears
- Land of Landmarks
- Lap of Luxury
- Laplandville
- Last Resort
- Little Big Pond
- Los Adminos
- Los Demonos
- Lostway
- Madchester
- Meadows of Eternal Tranquility
- Molotov's Cocktail Bar
- Monsterdam
- Monstro City
- Net Troll's Bridge
- New Ork
- Newland
- Next Station
- Nothingham
- Oasis of Deadman's Hand
- Paradise City
- Passage of the Last Man Lying
- Pathway of Lemmings
- Plateau of Low Gravity
- Pleasantree
- Progress Bar
- Quirkytown
- Roflopolis
- San Satanos
- Seven Deadly Inns
- Shepherd's Stuff
- Silly Cone Valley
- Simpletown
- Sleepless Hollow
- Space Bar
- Strawberry Fields
- Swamp of Missed Kamikazes
- The Battle Hamster Farm
- The Battle Toad
- The Den of Iniquity
- The Drunken Clam
- The Field of Special Magic
- The Glass Cannon
- The Mended Drum
- The Rumor Mill
- The Rusty Goblin
- The Spring of Eternal Senility
- The Sword & Sandal
- The Valley of Lost Hopes
- The Whinery
- Tradeburg
- Trans-Astral Highway
- Triffids' Valley
- Trollbridge
- Uncanny Valley
- Underwhere
- Unpleasantville
- Unsettlement
- Unspecifiedistan
- Valley of the Blind
- Vector Field
- Wasteland of Insomnia
- Witt's End
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