1. [PDF] STCON in Directed Unique-Path Graphs - UPenn CIS
Unique-path graphs are related to configuration graphs of unambiguous log-space computations, but they can have some directed cycles. Our results may be viewed ...
2. STCON in Directed Unique-Path Graphs - DROPS - Schloss Dagstuhl
5 dec 2008 · Unique-path graphs are related to configuration graphs of unambiguous log-space computations, but they can have some directed cycles. Our ...
We study the problem of space-efficient polynomial-time algorithms for {\em directed st-connectivity} (STCON). Given a directed graph $G$, and a pair of vertices $s, t$, the STCON problem is to decide if there exists a path from $s$ to $t$ in $G$. For general graphs, the best polynomial-time algorithm for STCON uses space that is only slightly sublinear. However, for special classes of directed graphs, polynomial-time poly-logarithmic-space algorithms are known for STCON. In this paper, we continue this thread of research and study a class of graphs called \emph{unique-path graphs with respect to source $s$}, where there is at most one simple path from $s$ to any vertex in the graph. For these graphs, we give a polynomial-time algorithm that uses $\tilde O(n^{\varepsilon})$ space for any constant $\varepsilon \in (0,1]$. We also give a polynomial-time, $\tilde O(n^\varepsilon)$-space algorithm to \emph{recognize} unique-path graphs. Unique-path graphs are related to configuration graphs of unambiguous log-space computations, but they can have some directed cycles. Our results may be viewed along the continuum of sublinear-space polynomial-time algorithms for STCON in different classes of directed graphs - from slightly sublinear-space algorithms for general graphs to $O(\log n)$ space algorithms for trees.
3. Directed Announces Unique 1-Button Remote Functionality Enabling ...
31 okt 2017 · (October 31, 2017) – Directed is pleased to announce improvements which enable lock and arm commands for their popular lines of 1-button remote ...
Directed Announces Unique 1-Button Remote Functionality Enabling Lock and Arm.
4. Amenability and unique ergodicity of automorphism groups of countable ...
27 dec 2017 · We study the automorphism groups of countable homogeneous directed graphs (and some additional homogeneous structures) from the point of view of ...
We study the automorphism groups of countable homogeneous directed graphs (and some additional homogeneous structures) from the point of view of topological dynamics. We determine precisely which of these automorphism groups are amenable (in their natural topologies). For those which are amenable, we determine whether they are uniquely ergodic, leaving unsettled precisely one case (the "semi-generic" complete multipartite directed graph). We also consider the Hrushovski property. For most of our results we use the various techniques of [3], suitably generalized to a context in which the universal minimal flow is not necessarily the space of all orders. Negative results concerning amenability rely on constructions of the type considered in [26]. An additional class of structures (compositions) may be handled directly on the basis of very general principles. The starting point in all cases is the determination of the universal minimal flow for the automorphism group, which in the context of countable homogeneous directed graphs is given in [10] and the papers cited therein.
5. Directed acyclic graphs with the unique dipath property - Hal-Inria
23 mei 2009 · Here we consider the class of Directed Acyclic Graphs, DAGs, which plays a central role in Parallel and Distributed Computing. Part of our ...
6. Walecki tournaments with an arc that lies in a unique directed triangle
4 jul 2024 · ... unique directed triangle (and therefore to which our result applies). Comments: 14 pages. Subjects: Combinatorics (math.CO). MSC classes ...
A Walecki tournament is any tournament that can be formed by choosing an orientation for each of the Hamilton cycles in the Walecki decomposition of a complete graph on an odd number of vertices. In this paper, we show that if some arc in a Walecki tournament on at least $7$ vertices lies in exactly one directed triangle, then there is a vertex of the tournament (the vertex typically labelled $*$ in the decomposition) that is fixed under every automorphism of the tournament. Furthermore, any isomorphism between such Walecki tournaments maps the vertex labelled $*$ in one to the vertex labelled $*$ in the other. We also show that among Walecki tournaments with a signature of even length $2k$, of the $2^{2k}$ possible signatures, at least $2^k$ produce tournaments that have an arc that lies in a unique directed triangle (and therefore to which our result applies).
7. IntpTN3, a unique RecA-independent homology-directed recombinase
The present project aims to decipher the molecular mechanisms of IntpTN3 recombination in order to improve our fundamental knowledge of HR and to use this ...
(1) Characterization of the enzymatic activity of homologous recombination in vitro of hybrid enzymes. (2) Isolation and characterization of potential protein partners of these enzymes. (3) Use of these enzymes in homologous intact DNA recognition assays. (4) Resolution of the three-dimensional structure of these enzymes.
8. Directed Microperforations - A Unique Prihoda Innovation
Our patented directed microperforations for fabric ducts allow soft air dispersion without unpleasant pooling. Another Prihoda innovation.
9. [PDF] University of Groningen Kinome directed target discovery and ...
We subsequently demonstrated the efficacy of mTORC / inhibition in all our unique OCCC patient-derived xenograft models. These results propose mTORC1/2.
10. Unique Least Common Ancestors and Clusters in Directed Acyclic Graphs
15 feb 2024 · We were unable to load Disqus. If you are a moderator please see our troubleshooting guide. Please enable JavaScript to view thecomments powered ...
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11. [PDF] appendix - the University of Groningen research portal
Kinome directed target discovery and validation in unique ovarian clear cell carcinoma models. Caumanns, Joost. IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the ...
12. [PDF] a monoclonal antibody (nki-l16) directed against a unique epitope ...
1 mrt 2024 · our knowledge, this is the first report of an antibody di rected against human LFA-1 which stimulates cell-cell con tact,. MATERIALS AND ...
13. [PDF] Directed acyclic graphs with the unique dipath property - Hal-Inria
10 aug 2011 · Part of our motivation came when we tried to extend the results obtained in [6] for paths motivated by grooming problems for the paths ([4, 10]) ...
14. Unpacking Epirus' Safe, Unique Approach to Directed Energy
7 jun 2021 · Our team comes to work every day to build directed energy systems that will protect Americans from harm caused by drones and other asymmetric ...
15. Upcoming Changes to Satisfy Your Unique CE Needs - ASRT
All members have access to our online CE Library filled with 550 Directed Readings, articles, and webcasts. This change ensures that all technologists can meet ...
Enhancing Patient Care and Safety Through Education, Research and Advocacy.
16. Targeted Therapy For Lung Cancer In Dwarka New Delhi
These side effects are usually manageable, and our team at Unique Hospital Cancer Centre will work with you to minimize any discomfort. How does Targeted ...
At Unique Cancer in Dwarka, find targeted therapy for lung cancer. Personalized care & advanced treatments await at our leading hospital. 91-7827837031